Anyone have Emu's ?


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
Hey yall, I wasn't sure where to put this at..
Anyho, I might have the opportunity to get a couple. Just need the good or bad about them.
We have 4 ft fencing around our place, is that enough to keep them in?
How do ya tell girl/boy?
What kind of feed/housing do they need?
Would they be good at keeping predators away ?
Do they get mean during breeding season?
Can chickens & emus live in peace?
Thanks, Miriam
When i was younger, my parents used to raise them. The fence was about 6 foot tall and their shelters were about 10' x 8'. I'm not sure on the shelters but they didn't have any insulation in them and they had slanted roofs. If i remember right some of them where mean all the time but especially when they had chicks. I don't remember what we feed them or how to tell male from female put I'll ask my parents and post later. Oh and they love to peck at shiny things. I don't know if they will keep predators away or if they will live with chikens in peace
I've eaten Emu Burgers...very yummy and much less fatty than beef! We had a friend who was raising them for meat...very low in cholesterol!
I'm still debating on what to do.thanks for the info chickensinMT.

cheeptrick, I've been tricked into eating ostrich (sp?) before. I would not have ate it otherwise. It was really good, till I found out it what it was.

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