Anyone else use pelleted bedding for their ducks?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I use the pelleted pine bedding for my horses and, knowing that ducks are quite messy, I decided to try it for my ducklings as well. They moved to their outside home at 3 1/2 weeks (4 ducklings), and it has now been 4 weeks since they've been out there, and I have not had to change out the pellets yet. I'm thrilled!

Their space in the coop is about 4' x 6', and they are inside from probably 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The rest of the time, they are out in the run. I made the layer of pellets about 1" thick. I have been doing the sniff test - on my knees, and nose right down to the pellets - every day, and have not smelled anything nasty, ammonia, or anything. The pellets smell almost as fresh as they did when I put them in! I rake them around every few days, and will probably change them out this weekend because although I am not smelling anything, it just feels like it's time!

Anyway, I wondered if anyone else uses the pelleted bedding and experienced the same results?
I do use them in combo form for my horses but i have yet to try with the ducks.. would they eat them? they used to be on a pellet diet i have since switched to a crumble about a month ago...

I know they work well with the horses but the edibility is what worried me again with the ducks.
I work in a cat hospital and we use what is called Yesterdays News. It's a paper pelleted news litter that I have been using with the 2 ducks that I have it can hold alot of moisture and puffs up. I can get about 2 days before changing out completely.
TWO days? Holy cow, I have been just amazed at how long these pine pellets are lasting with my 4 ducks!

Quakers, mine are on pelleted feed, and I haven't had any issues whatsoever with them eating the bedding. I don't know why, as it does look very similar, but they seem to know what's in the bowl is food and what's on the floor is not. They tried a few of the pelleted bedding pieces when I first put them in, spit it right back out. Must taste icky, too.
Wynette, we use the pellets in all of our stalls, houses, and brooder stalls too. Great stuff, lasts for ever, shovels out easily and composts well. Ducks, geese and goats all get it.
Wynette, we use the pellets in all of our stalls, houses, and brooder stalls too. Great stuff, lasts for ever, shovels out easily and composts well. Ducks, geese and goats all get it.

I think the only thing I don't like about it thus far for the ducks is that it's definitely super heavy when it's time to strip the coop. It's heavy to start with and it's so darn absorbent, when it sucks up all the duck poo, it makes it heavier, but I guess it's doing its job!
TWO days? Holy cow, I have been just amazed at how long these pine pellets are lasting with my 4 ducks!

Quakers, mine are on pelleted feed, and I haven't had any issues whatsoever with them eating the bedding. I don't know why, as it does look very similar, but they seem to know what's in the bowl is food and what's on the floor is not. They tried a few of the pelleted bedding pieces when I first put them in, spit it right back out. Must taste icky, too.

Thanks, perhaps i will try them with the ducks, my shaving supplier.. well sucks.. i got practically sawdust for a couple bags ..
and i have chicks coming next week which 100% cannot be on that... i love the smell of it lol but hate the 40lb bags...(pellets)
If you have them available, maybe try puppy training pads for the chicks? That's what I use the first couple of days. They are really absorbent!

I'm used to toting around 50# bags of feed, so I guess the 40 pounders don't seem an issue for me, but I can definitely understand not wanting to haul them around, as they are definitely not light! I'm going to ask my local Family Farm & Home if they'll give me a discount if I buy a full pallet of them. Since I use them for all my critters, I may as well buy them by the ton or whatever the amount is that's on a pallet!

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