Anyone else have days like this...! RANT


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
Woke up at 5:30am when the USPS called to tell me my chicks were in. Ordered WL, NHR, Golden Polish, EE's. Got the kids ready for school, drove them to town, dropped off 8 doz. eggs to 3 different customers. Picked up chicks - all of the GP were DOA. Got home and got the chicks settled in the bathroom. Noticed that my 9 month old Lab is in heat for the 1st time...usually put the girls in the bathroom when they ae in heat - not doing that with chicks in there! Need plan B. While deciding on plan B, neighbor shows up with large round bale of hay for my livestock, and I need to go show him where to put it. Get back, and the dog (which is in now in the laundry room) ate all the cat food which was on the top of the washer...all but what is still on the floor. Decide to dry clothes while I'm cleaning this up and my dryer has blown up - again. Just fixed in December, and on the fritz again. Family of 5 - NEED washer and dryer to work! Hang up the laundry that is in the dryer (which is not working) and in the washer (cause I didn't know I didn't have a dryer). Now the house looks like a red-neck department store with laundry hanging all over everything. By now it's only 11:00am! And did I mention that I've been waiting all day for my ND doe to deliver? Or that I have a candy business at home and I have chocolate candy that needs made for a show this weekend? Kids have stuff to do this evening, they and DH are home and wanting fed, and I'm exhausted. Now it's 3:00am and my lovely lab has the 'hershey squirts' from all the cat food, and I'm up with her, getting ready to go check the goat - again, wondering if I'll be called to substitute teach tomorrow.

I think I need: 1) a dog kennel outside (have an underground fence that works great, but don't want the dog bred yet, and need to keep a CLOSE eye on her - since the neighbors don't feel they need to keep their dogs at home; 2) an employee to help keep up with my orders - we may be in a recession, but the chocolate business is still good; 3) my goat to FINALLY drop her kids; 4) another dryer!; 5) SLEEP and SANITY!!!

Sorry for ranting, but thanks for letting me! Well - off to the barn...then back to bed to start again at 6 am.
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Our 2 year old water heater quit on us yesterday. (Previous one worked for over 15 years without any problems!)

Cold shower later today!

I may warm some water on the stove and take it into the shower in a bucket to do my hair.
Tell the hubby you need either a "you" day or a night away with no kids -- yours or otherwise:) It works. I need one once a year just to destress. Also a long soak with lots and lots of bubbles work -- just lock the door and Don't open it. Hope today turns out better!
Some people think "stay at home" moms don't do anything.
Hope you have better days ahead soon. Been there, done that!!
Oh heavens, I'm a stay at home individual- kid-less but tend to elderly mom, and trust me, I have no idea how I ever had time to work!!!!!!!!! Kudos to you with kiddos. Hang in their, these frustrating days seem the longest, but there is always a break of sunshine getting ready to peek around it.
Take care- all of you! ;0)

Kid, husband, pets, chickens, horse, my part time "paying" job and two online business's One of which is chocolate based. So it has been non stop. Oh and the kid being sick all the time. Dh now has the flu as do I.

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