Any other LOST fans out there?

Hey all, I'm just starting on season 6 and wondering if there are any other LOST fans out there for me to rave to?

Oh, yeah...I currently live in a rural area where I can't get cable (can you even believe it, in this day and age??) so I buy the series I really enjoy on DVD or Blu-ray. Needless to say, "Lost" is one of them. It's almost time for me to watch it again.
Awesome! Who's your favourite character?

Tough to pick a single character, but I'd have to say probably John Locke. He's had a life full of adversity, but he has real grit. The twist when you find out that he was confined to a wheelchair prior to the crash landing is great, too - everyone thinks he's so capable, a real survivalist, but he didn't actually do any of that before he ended up on the island..very cool. I think it's clever that he's named after the philosopher, too.

How about you?
Quote: John Locke's an absolutely fascinating character. I remember feeling shocked when flashbacks showed him wheelchair-bound before the plane crash and I also really enjoyed watching the relationship dynamic between him and Boone.

It's so hard to pick just one, but I would probably have to say Desmond. He was so captivating in his blind faith about the future and devotion to Penny, whether or not you like her. On the other end of the spectrum I have a soft spot for Sayid, who became really compelling as the show progressed and his background as an interrogator got sort of fleshed out. He's something of a ruthless gentleman!
John Locke's an absolutely fascinating character. I remember feeling shocked when flashbacks showed him wheelchair-bound before the plane crash and I also really enjoyed watching the relationship dynamic between him and Boone.

It's so hard to pick just one, but I would probably have to say Desmond. He was so captivating in his blind faith about the future and devotion to Penny, whether or not you like her. On the other end of the spectrum I have a soft spot for Sayid, who became really compelling as the show progressed and his background as an interrogator got sort of fleshed out. He's something of a ruthless gentleman!

Good points and insights about both Desmond and Sayid...two very well-developed characters. I enjoyed the storyline about Sayid and Shannon, too, but I'm still not sure I really buy that Sayid would have been smitten with Shannon.

Another couple of characters that I found very compelling were Sun and Jin. I love that Sun secretly learned English, but pretends she doesn't speak it - how difficult would that be, not letting any cues slip that would cause suspicion? And while Jin's character initially comes across as thug-like, the explanation that occurs later around how he has to be his father-in-law's "enforcer" as the price he pays to marry Sun really changed my perspective on him.

As an aside, I was really impressed that JJ Abrams included so many diverse characters: among them, Sayid, Sun and Jin, Bernard and Rose, Michael and Walt...the series was full of surprises and I relished them. It's one of the select few series that I've purchased and it still feels fresh each time I watch it.
Quote: Yes the Sayid-Shannon plot was kind of unexpected and I can't help feeling that she is the exact opposite of the love interest that would suit him. But it did reveal a previously unexplored side of him which was interesting.

Sun and Jin were also great. I had basically no sympathy for Jin before his backstory was elaborated on but they became really well fleshed-out characters. A lot of people don't agree but I think the main characters Jack and Kate were some of the least interesting of the entire cast. They had compelling backstories but they were a lot less interesting personalities onscreen than more minor characters like Sun, Juliet and even Mr Eko.
Yes the Sayid-Shannon plot was kind of unexpected and I can't help feeling that she is the exact opposite of the love interest that would suit him. But it did reveal a previously unexplored side of him which was interesting.

Sun and Jin were also great. I had basically no sympathy for Jin before his backstory was elaborated on but they became really well fleshed-out characters. A lot of people don't agree but I think the main characters Jack and Kate were some of the least interesting of the entire cast. They had compelling backstories but they were a lot less interesting personalities onscreen than more minor characters like Sun, Juliet and even Mr Eko.

I agree that the Jack/Kate relationship was boring. That was one of the few aspects of the plot that seemed formulaic to me (actually, I found Jack rather one-dimensional, overall - I guess he served as a good foil for the other, more complex characters).

Right - Shannon did bring out a different side to Sayid, and maybe he would be attracted to an opposite; after all, he did seem to want to redeem himself and maybe he saw protecting Shannon as part of his redemption..?

Mr. Eko...I really liked his character, too. His backstory and transformation were really creative.

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