any inexpensive flea and tick repellents that work??

For my dogs I have used:
Trifexis, Nexgard and Advantage Multi <<<They all work.

I have tried all of the non prescriptions cheap ones. NONE have worked.
Provecta Advanced is a generic version of K9 Advantix and it's currently $22.98 for four months on eBay. It's what I use and it works here, but what works here may not work in your area - it depends on whether or not the ticks and fleas in your area have become immune to the medication.

Seresto collars are also one of the less costly options - they're around $50 and last 8 months.
Well, you get what you pay for, and most brands not found at your Veterinarian are knockoffs that are very artfully designed to look like the real deal. And they typically don't work.

I have found Seresto collars to work very well for me. I like the fact that they have a repellent aspect, as opposed to having the flea/tick bite the animal to be effective found in other products.

Good luck to you!
Provecta Advanced is a generic version of K9 Advantix and it's currently $22.98 for four months on eBay. It's what I use and it works here, but what works here may not work in your area - it depends on whether or not the ticks and fleas in your area have become immune to the medication.

Seresto collars are also one of the less costly options - they're around $50 and last 8 months.
oh kk i see you’re in Vermont , i’m in Maryland. but maybe they’ll work fine. i’ll keep them in mind for the future.. for now i just ordered the ebay stuff we’ll see how that goes. thanks!
Well, you get what you pay for
I agree in general yes but sometimes there is some weird plant or something in the forest you can forage for free and then you can cook into a syrup or make a tincture or whatnot LOL for example I use plantain leaves (I find everywhere here) work really well for itchy skin...
I have found Seresto collars to work very well for me.
Thanks I am adding that to my list of things to try!!

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