Any idea whats wring with my poor girl?


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
She is eating, pooping & drinking, just seems to be in a daze, she barely moves, stands in the corner by herself. Her head is tucked & her tail feathers are down. She let me pick her up (which is odd in itself) & I felt around thinking maybe she is egg bound. I didnt feel an egg but her abdomen seems a little swollen. She does this frequently but it usually only lasts a couple hours, this is day 2 (well well beginning of day 3 I guess). She is not laying & has always been my best layer - frequent large eggs or double yolkers. She is just under a year old. I dont know what to do for her. :( I made up a warm mash & she actually ran for it. The most she's moved in days. I don't know if I should treat her as egg bound & give her calcium & a soak or not, shes not contracting or walking funny. Just very lethargic.
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Is she spending time in the nest box at all? If not, it may be something other than a stuck egg, but it won't hurt to treat for that and hope for the best.

Give one calcium citrate tablet per day plus D3 if you can find it. Place her in a crate on a warm heating pad with a moist bath towel over it. Provide food and water and leave her in a quiet place to rest. Check on her frequently to see if she's passed anything. If you see clear liquid or yolk tinged mucous, it's a sign an egg may have broken inside. In that case, I start a round of an oral antibiotic in addition to the calcium.

There is also a chance she could have picked up an infection. Watch her poop carefully.
Not laying with these symptoms sounds like she is having a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, salpingitis, ascites or fluid in the abdomem, or egg yolk peritonitis. Try to keep her eating, offer some cooked egg, tuna, wet feed to tempt her. Some use an antibiotic if infection is suspected, but that is controversial. Baytril (enrofloxacin) is best for reproductive infection, and is banned in chickens, but you can still obtain it online. I would give her some chicken vitamins in her water or food.
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No, she doesn't go the the nesting boxes at all. She sits in the corner of the pen under the waterer, drinking constantly which all makes me think its not an egg. But, like you said it can't hurt to treat for it.
I also have a lethargic hen. I went out at sunrise to open their door from the coop to the run where the food and water are. she stayed in the coop just laying down. She let me pick her up with no complaint or trying to get away, nothing. She doesn't seem to be injured, but I guess that's still a possibility. She appeared to walk away from me just fine when I set her back down. I've offered food and water. I don't think she's taken any yet, but I'll go check again in a minute. Today is the first day she's acted this way.
I also have a lethargic hen. I went out at sunrise to open their door from the coop to the run where the food and water are. she stayed in the coop just laying down. She let me pick her up with no complaint or trying to get away, nothing. She doesn't seem to be injured, but I guess that's still a possibility. She appeared to walk away from me just fine when I set her back down. I've offered food and water. I don't think she's taken any yet, but I'll go check again in a minute. Today is the first day she's acted this way.
You may want to start your own new thread with those details, and you will probably get more responses, plus it won’t cause confusion as to who’s chicken we are discussing. Click on the blue box in the middle of the page to “post new thread” here:
Ok, ao shes in a crate in the shed on a damp towel on top of a heating pad. I mixed a tums in with some mash. We shall see. Im going to google internal laying...
Not laying with these symptoms sounds like she is having a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, salpingitis, ascites or fluid in the abdomem, or egg yolk peritonitis. Try to keep her eating, offer some cooked egg, tuna, wet feed to tempt her. Some use an antibiotic if infection is suspected, but that is controversial. Baytril (enrofloxacin) is best for reproductive infection, and is banned in chickens, but you can still obtain it online. I would give her some chicken vitamins in her water or food.

I have some tylan but I'm not sure that would help whatever she has. I will go put some save a chick in her water now.

She is eating well so she's getting that calcium.
I wish I had some real vitamins. Is there any substitute? All I have is the save a chick. Shes laying down now on the heating pad. She pecked me when I went in, lol. She's mad.

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