Any hunters on here?



6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Are there any previous or currently active hunters on here?
What do you hunt?
Any funny stories about some hunts you've done?
Got any photos from the hunts to share?

Any meals you've made from what you hunted?
Any tips for beginners you'd like to share?

I've been doing a whole lot of research on hunting, watching videos, and finding out all that I can on hunting. After I learn to handle and shoot a gun, I plan on getting what I need for hunting. I plan on starting with whatever is easiest to hunt first before I move onto the harder to catch game. I've always loved the idea of hunting our own food instead of buying from the store.
I come from a hunting family and my husband and two of my sons hunt. I used to but I'm becoming a old lady now and have to pee to much and I'm not about to try to pee in a bottle in a tree stand or blind. LOL!
But I cook wild game all the time that they bring home.
I tell my husband the money he spends on his hunting paraphernalia and the two hunting club fees he pays I could buy a whole lot of ribeye steak or go out to eat at some fine dining places without having to cook myself! 😅
But I'm glad your finding a hobby that gets you out in nature. :thumbsup
Yes and I make a lot of stuff and learning more. Will be learning canning now and raw pack and pressure canning soups and stuff soon.

My blog has some stuff and recipes that might interest you. Ask me there on here and I'll respond.

Yea, I don't pay to clubs and would hunt public land before that, but I have friends that want them thinned or allow me to hunt.
Are there any previous or currently active hunters on here?
What do you hunt?
Any funny stories about some hunts you've done?
Got any photos from the hunts to share?

Any meals you've made from what you hunted?
Any tips for beginners you'd like to share?

I've been doing a whole lot of research on hunting, watching videos, and finding out all that I can on hunting. After I learn to handle and shoot a gun, I plan on getting what I need for hunting. I plan on starting with whatever is easiest to hunt first before I move onto the harder to catch game. I've always loved the idea of hunting our own food instead of buying from the store.
Hunting is a great hobby. It's very rewarding to eat a great tasting meal knowing it was an animal that lived a natural life, was harvested ethically, and was processed and prepared by yourself. Unfortunately it's not very "easy" and will require a good bit of time and research depending on what you're targeting.

If you don't own any guns I would suggest starting with a 22lr bolt action rifle (or a ruger 10/22 semi-auto rifle). A 22 is a good gun to learn with because bullets are cheap and are easily accessible (not right now though), and it has no recoil. It's a good gun for small game too like squirrels, rabbits, etc.

You'll need something larger for deer and will need a shotgun for birds.

Hopefully you can hooked up with a responsible friend who shoots a lot that can teach you proper firearm safety and also how to hunt what you're after....
I grew up hunting...never loved it...but now i process all of the game meat from my family into jerky, meat sticks, salami, summer sausage, brats, breakfast links, kielbasa, prosciutto, etc. I have butchered 3 deer in the past two weeks and never shot one...i like the meat part...not the waiting around part to find a deer/elk/pronghorn ;)
i would befriend somebody who hunts. the gun itself is a huge consideration and big investment. the scope on the rifle alone is as or more expensive than the gun. once you shoot an need do gut, age and butcher. then, did you shoot something you enjoy eating? i love elk...i don’t love willamette valley black tail. elk is jerky and tail is everything else.
I don’t hunt, but I cook what my family brings me. My DH has been taking out teenage children out for a few years now. My daughter’s second (?i think) year going out she successfully shot a doe. She was so proud. Then she pulled it out of the bed of the truck and our German Shepard came over to sniff around, and we realized that the dog was the Exact same size as the deer!😆 She redeemed herself the following year with a very nice 8point buck.

(to be fair, the dog IS very tall and long)
nice! my nephew just shot a deer that we’re butchering tomorrow. when the day comes, i will endure the monotony of hunting to show my kids how to shoot, track, gut, butcher, and process wild game. this is a lost skill just like being able go build a house or fix your own car...and these skills used to be as common as knowing how to swim or ride a bike.
My entire family of 6 either hunts or is learning to hunt (5 & 2yr old). We haven’t bought ground meat in about 18 years, my husband much longer. I agree that so much comes from the ability to harvest your families food. Something that has been handed down generation after generation. Each year we add to our processing table. A grinder, a meat slicer, dehydrator, stuffer, etc.
Our oldest shot her first buck at 5, here she is with some pork at 10.


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