Any Gamers Here?

Sandboxing w/some challenge to it, I remember the game "Wayward" that ultimately had you sail away on a hand done boat with a buried treasure. This was a Flash or HTML5 game several years ago.
Humble brag: literally just beat Sonic Unleashed. I wont spoil it for those who havent played it but set aside a good 5 hours before playing eggmanland. Its a stupid long level followed by a relatively short boss fight, immediately followed by a LONG and difficult boss fight, immediately followed by a boss that equates to Sephiroth in difficulty! I went in with 99 lives and came out with 54. Before the bosses I had 95 if that gives you any idea how difficult it was. After the credits I got my goodies and said "DONE" and immediately took it out of my XBox to collect dust until Im ready to torture myself with it again :lau
I've been wanting to try the Oculus. I see in thd commercial fine print though that it doesnt reflect actual gameplay. Are the graphics any good?
Forgot to respond to this, sorry. I haven't played anything graphics-intense, mostly due to the motion sickness. "Job Simulator" is cartoony and cute, and VERY fun. Their version of "office worker" lets me throw all the things I want to throw, on a daily basis, when I work my actual office job.
HI! I am back, and I need your input, what link do you like better, or what game do you favor? I would like to start an ask blog for Link from OoT! Sorry if his skin isn't colored, I was probably too lazy to do it...
Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 9.10.33 PM.png
I enjoy gaming. I like some old school games like Mario Bros, Doctor Mario, Tetris or newer xbox games like Gears of War, Call of Duty, Halo. I really want to get a new console because the Assassin's Creed: Valhalla game looks awesome!

@Beezy I tried to play Doom on my Super Nintendo and got super nauseous! It's not that intense of a game either LOL!
I enjoy gaming. I like some old school games like Mario Bros, Doctor Mario, Tetris or newer xbox games like Gears of War, Call of Duty, Halo. I really want to get a new console because the Assassin's Creed: Valhalla game looks awesome!

@Beezy I tried to play Doom on my Super Nintendo and got super nauseous! It's not that intense of a game either LOL!
I love the AC series. I only got into it because of the pirate one but now I'm hooked. Got Lets Go Eevee for christmas. It's a lot of fun but the story is pretty much a repackaged version of pokemon blue red and yellow. Some differences:
No gambling at the slots
You can dress up your eevee
No need for bikes you ride pokemon
The play with eevee feature
You no longer (ok very rarely) have to battle pokemon to catch them
No safari zone; this is my biggest caveat. You pair your pokemon go app to catch those pokemon instead.
No need to train special abilities. Eevee learns them all

Either way I like some of the new things. Being able to ride on my charizard is cool and I dont have to relay on him having the fly ability to do it. The new capture system is wonderful. You still have to fight pokemon like snorlax, articuno, etc. before you can capture them but that's about it. Its all about your throwing skill, pokeballs and berry usage. I was pretty bummed I couldnt use the slot machines, especially since I have my eye on a shiny crown for eevee😌
Here, been a big gamer for years. I play loads of games on many different consoles, so to narrow it I'll just say some favorites on my main console at the minute, PS4. Red Dead Redemption 2, No Man's Sky, Stardew Valley, Spider-man, Steep, Farming Simulator.. list goes on. My PSN is same as here by the way.
Partner and I picked up ARK after a month or two away for the holidays. Found our base raided - which is to be expected - but most of our stuff is still there. Turns out though we got raided by some hyper aggressive taiwanese clan that's got a beef with the server because there USED to be a korean clan there. So they blew everyone up on the server and won't let us rebuild. They re-wiped our base and stole from us twice in 3 days.

So we have to move servers. :T :T
I love the AC series. I only got into it because of the pirate one but now I'm hooked. Got Lets Go Eevee for christmas. It's a lot of fun but the story is pretty much a repackaged version of pokemon blue red and yellow. Some differences:
No gambling at the slots
You can dress up your eevee
No need for bikes you ride pokemon
The play with eevee feature
You no longer (ok very rarely) have to battle pokemon to catch them
No safari zone; this is my biggest caveat. You pair your pokemon go app to catch those pokemon instead.
No need to train special abilities. Eevee learns them all

Either way I like some of the new things. Being able to ride on my charizard is cool and I dont have to relay on him having the fly ability to do it. The new capture system is wonderful. You still have to fight pokemon like snorlax, articuno, etc. before you can capture them but that's about it. Its all about your throwing skill, pokeballs and berry usage. I was pretty bummed I couldnt use the slot machines, especially since I have my eye on a shiny crown for eevee😌
Just beat the Elite Four today. They were not as tough as I remember them. I had a surprise boss after that I also didn't recall. Slightly more difficult than the Elite Four but still didnt have to mega evolve anyone to get through it. As long as you know who is weak to what and have plenty of full restores its super easy. Only had eevee die on me and revived her immediately after. After the credits "your world expands" not sure what all that means but apparently theres more trainers to fight and at least 2 areas I havent reached on the map. I've only caught 97 out of 151 still

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