Any Canadians Here?


12 Years
May 17, 2007
I'm in the process of trying to get my towns animal control by-law changed to allow the keeping of hens as pets.

I came across this list of US towns and cities that allow chickens, but am looking for Canadian towns/cities to use as positive examples. (

If you are allowed to keep chickens, or know of a town/city that does allow chickens could you please let me know?

Thank you very much!!
Hi There,
I'm in Niagara On The Lake, Ontario and we are allowed chickens depending on how much land we have and where we are. Not sure about the legalistics of it all, but thats what my DH says. I lived in Fonthill, Ontario and my neighbor had about a flock of 10 chickens, they ran around all the time and there were never any problems. and our houses were pretty close together, 5-10 feet atleast.
HOpe that helps a bit.

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