Anti-fungal for sour crop.


Apr 30, 2022
Hi All,

I have a hen with sour crop. Regurgitating liquid, etc. I need a recommendation on an anti-fungal that will treat the yeast directly in her crop without having to go through her digestive system as nothing is getting through her crop at the moment with all the liquid. It's not an option to vomit her and she has had several crop flushes with exotic vet. So which anti-fungal will kill the yeast directly as it enters the crop could you tell me? She has been checked for tumours and blockages and has none. @azygous @Wyorp Rock
@Eggcessive any recommendation ladies?
Here is the US, many use miconazole cream or suppositories, Medistatin powder or Nystatin liquid for fungal infections of the crop. If you give more symptoms and details you may receive more help.
Here is the US, many use miconazole cream or suppositories, Medistatin powder or Nystatin liquid for fungal infections of the crop. If you give more symptoms and details you may receive more help.
Thank you. It's definitively sour crop. Crop full of fluid, regurgitating liquid. No impaction and she has been checked by the exotic vets who have said there is no blockage further on. I need a recommendation for an anti-fungal that will work direct as it hits the crop. Nothing is getting through her digestive system at the moment. I'm in Ireland, Europe. Will Fluconazole work on the yeast direct in her crop without having to get through it? I'm trying to avoid Nystatin liquid because she'll need 6mls twice a day and her crop already so backed up with fluid as it is.
Yes, that should work. Give a probiotic at the same time and it should make the yeast disappear faster.

Be sure food is fresh and bedding also has no traces of mold.
Ok and in your experience will it go to work on the yeast from inside her crop (which is full to brim with fluid) without having to pass through her gut? Because this tablet won't be able to pass through her crop to be digested if you get me? It's not going to get past all the fluid and I can't vomit her. Yes, she's getting kefir with a probiotic and garlic water mixed in...
It's going to be a challenge, far from a slam dunk. I've treated many advanced sour crops like your hen's. You need to know that the success rate is not even 50%. The reason is, in spite of your vets not having found any obstructions, there is almost always an underlying cause to a crop yeast infection. They rarely occur spontaneously.

Your hen likely has a chronic issue of some kind that is taking a toll on her bodily functions, in other words, organ shut-down. You need to be prepared for this while keeping hope that the Fluconazole can help her body fight off the yeast.

Humans have no idea how unpleasant and uncomfortable a sour crop is. Imagine burning, itching, pain from distention and gas, and all-around yucky. It is not a minor affliction. If it refuses to respond to the Fluconazole, which is a superbly strong anti-microbial, you need to consider ending her suffering.
It's going to be a challenge, far from a slam dunk. I've treated many advanced sour crops like your hen's. You need to know that the success rate is not even 50%. The reason is, in spite of your vets not having found any obstructions, there is almost always an underlying cause to a crop yeast infection. They rarely occur spontaneously.

Your hen likely has a chronic issue of some kind that is taking a toll on her bodily functions, in other words, organ shut-down. You need to be prepared for this while keeping hope that the Fluconazole can help her body fight off the yeast.

Humans have no idea how unpleasant and uncomfortable a sour crop is. Imagine burning, itching, pain from distention and gas, and all-around yucky. It is not a minor affliction. If it refuses to respond to the Fluconazole, which is a superbly strong anti-microbial, you need to consider ending her suffering.
Yes I know sour crop can be a nightmare. I'll give the back story in case it will help anyone else with a similar issue. Get the coffee out and brace yourselves for an essay😅 So this lady presented with a full crop of liquid and a hard, swollen abdomen. I treated the sour crop at home for 5 days with kefir, garlic water, probiotic and added in Nystatin on days 3-5 and no joy. So I began to suspect a tumour/ blockage further on or possible repro infection. So up she went to the exotic vet. They attempted to aspirate her stomach to check for ascites but thankfully no fluid came out. Over the stay she was looked after by 3 different vets, all of whom gave her an internal and all 3 said they could find no lumps, bumps tumours or blockages from that end. She ended up there for a total of 6 nights on Amoxiclav, Flagyl, Meloxicam and Emeprid (all via injection) and had 2-3 crop flushes a day. There was bits of grass coming up in the flush but not the amount they were expecting. Abdomen softened and went back to normal on the antibiotics, so repro infection suspected there. On day 3 they were to do a crop op to access the gizzard for suspected grass impaction in proventriculus or gizzard but operating vet was sick, so op was delayed by 2 days. Once the vet could do the op a couple of days later, a partial grass impaction of gizzard was found (half a handful of grass she says) but not the amount expected for your typical grass impaction. So sour crop, repro infection and partial grass impaction of gizzard were the issues with this lady according to the senior exotic vet who operated. Just to mention also, she had an implant in December which is about to wear off any day now. So anyway, she was cleared to return home with oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories after the op, so home she came. But after 2 days crop started backing up with fluid again and I had no choice but to take her off the meds because nothing was getting through either way and I wondered if the antibiotic were behind the re-emergence of the sour crop. So a day off the antibiotics and her crop was emptying again but stomach was beginning to harden and she was in sh*t form. So was in a catch 22 because if I gave her the antibiotic her crop would likely fill up again but if I didn't the repro infection would worsen. Hence original post looking for recommendations on anti-fungal other than Nystatin. So had to come up with a way to treat everything without antibiotics. So currently giving her oil of oregano (not the EO) and pure, stabilised allicin to treat the repro infection and she's getting kefir, garlic water, probiotic with some digestive enzymes all mixed together 4 times daily to treat the yeast. She hanging in there, today is day 3 of the new regimen and she looking brighter. Crop is emptying again and abdomen has softened but we've a ways to go yet. Might copy and paste this as and create a separate post in the event it will help others in the same boat. Thanks anyway ladies, send us on all the positive vibes, we gonna need it🐔
Yes I know sour crop can be a nightmare. I'll give the back story in case it will help anyone else with a similar issue. Get the coffee out and brace yourselves for an essay😅 So this lady presented with a full crop of liquid and a hard, swollen abdomen. I treated the sour crop at home for 5 days with kefir, garlic water, probiotic and added in Nystatin on days 3-5 and no joy. So I began to suspect a tumour/ blockage further on or possible repro infection. So up she went to the exotic vet. They attempted to aspirate her stomach to check for ascites but thankfully no fluid came out. Over the stay she was looked after by 3 different vets, all of whom gave her an internal and all 3 said they could find no lumps, bumps tumours or blockages from that end. She ended up there for a total of 6 nights on Amoxiclav, Flagyl, Meloxicam and Emeprid (all via injection) and had 2-3 crop flushes a day. There was bits of grass coming up in the flush but not the amount they were expecting. Abdomen softened and went back to normal on the antibiotics, so repro infection suspected there. On day 3 they were to do a crop op to access the gizzard for suspected grass impaction in proventriculus or gizzard but operating vet was sick, so op was delayed by 2 days. Once the vet could do the op a couple of days later, a partial grass impaction of gizzard was found (half a handful of grass she says) but not the amount expected for your typical grass impaction. So sour crop, repro infection and partial grass impaction of gizzard were the issues with this lady according to the senior exotic vet who operated. Just to mention also, she had an implant in December which is about to wear off any day now. So anyway, she was cleared to return home with oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories after the op, so home she came. But after 2 days crop started backing up with fluid again and I had no choice but to take her off the meds because nothing was getting through either way and I wondered if the antibiotic were behind the re-emergence of the sour crop. So a day off the antibiotics and her crop was emptying again but stomach was beginning to harden and she was in sh*t form. So was in a catch 22 because if I gave her the antibiotic her crop would likely fill up again but if I didn't the repro infection would worsen. Hence original post looking for recommendations on anti-fungal other than Nystatin. So had to come up with a way to treat everything without antibiotics. So currently giving her oil of oregano (not the EO) and pure, stabilised allicin to treat the repro infection and she's getting kefir, garlic water, probiotic with some digestive enzymes all mixed together 4 times daily to treat the yeast. She hanging in there, today is day 3 of the new regimen and she looking brighter. Crop is emptying again and abdomen has softened but we've a ways to go yet. Might copy and paste this as and create a separate post in the event it will help others in the same boat. Thanks anyway ladies, send us on all the positive vibes, we gonna need it🐔
Yes I know sour crop can be a nightmare. I'll give the back story in case it will help anyone else with a similar issue. Get the coffee out and brace yourselves for an essay😅 So this lady presented with a full crop of liquid and a hard, swollen abdomen. I treated the sour crop at home for 5 days with kefir, garlic water, probiotic and added in Nystatin on days 3-5 and no joy. So I began to suspect a tumour/ blockage further on or possible repro infection. So up she went to the exotic vet. They attempted to aspirate her stomach to check for ascites but thankfully no fluid came out. Over the stay she was looked after by 3 different vets, all of whom gave her an internal and all 3 said they could find no lumps, bumps tumours or blockages from that end. She ended up there for a total of 6 nights on Amoxiclav, Flagyl, Meloxicam and Emeprid (all via injection) and had 2-3 crop flushes a day. There was bits of grass coming up in the flush but not the amount they were expecting. Abdomen softened and went back to normal on the antibiotics, so repro infection suspected there. On day 3 they were to do a crop op to access the gizzard for suspected grass impaction in proventriculus or gizzard but operating vet was sick, so op was delayed by 2 days. Once the vet could do the op a couple of days later, a partial grass impaction of gizzard was found (half a handful of grass she says) but not the amount expected for your typical grass impaction. So sour crop, repro infection and partial grass impaction of gizzard were the issues with this lady according to the senior exotic vet who operated. Just to mention also, she had an implant in December which is about to wear off any day now. So anyway, she was cleared to return home with oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories after the op, so home she came. But after 2 days crop started backing up with fluid again and I had no choice but to take her off the meds because nothing was getting through either way and I wondered if the antibiotic were behind the re-emergence of the sour crop. So a day off the antibiotics and her crop was emptying again but stomach was beginning to harden and she was in sh*t form. So was in a catch 22 because if I gave her the antibiotic her crop would likely fill up again but if I didn't the repro infection would worsen. Hence original post looking for recommendations on anti-fungal other than Nystatin. So had to come up with a way to treat everything without antibiotics. So currently giving her oil of oregano (not the EO) and pure, stabilised allicin to treat the repro infection and she's getting kefir, garlic water, probiotic with some digestive enzymes all mixed together 4 times daily to treat the yeast. She hanging in there, today is day 3 of the new regimen and she looking brighter. Crop is emptying again and abdomen has softened but we've a ways to go yet. Might copy and paste this as and create a separate post in the event it will help others in the same boat. Thanks anyway ladies, send us on all the positive vibes, we gonna need it🐔
Yes I know sour crop can be a nightmare. I'll give the back story in case it will help anyone else with a similar issue. Get the coffee out and brace yourselves for an essay😅 So this lady presented with a full crop of liquid and a hard, swollen abdomen. I treated the sour crop at home for 5 days with kefir, garlic water, probiotic and added in Nystatin on days 3-5 and no joy. So I began to suspect a tumour/ blockage further on or possible repro infection. So up she went to the exotic vet. They attempted to aspirate her stomach to check for ascites but thankfully no fluid came out. Over the stay she was looked after by 3 different vets, all of whom gave her an internal and all 3 said they could find no lumps, bumps tumours or blockages from that end. She ended up there for a total of 6 nights on Amoxiclav, Flagyl, Meloxicam and Emeprid (all via injection) and had 2-3 crop flushes a day. There was bits of grass coming up in the flush but not the amount they were expecting. Abdomen softened and went back to normal on the antibiotics, so repro infection suspected there. On day 3 they were to do a crop op to access the gizzard for suspected grass impaction in proventriculus or gizzard but operating vet was sick, so op was delayed by 2 days. Once the vet could do the op a couple of days later, a partial grass impaction of gizzard was found (half a handful of grass she says) but not the amount expected for your typical grass impaction. So sour crop, repro infection and partial grass impaction of gizzard were the issues with this lady according to the senior exotic vet who operated. Just to mention also, she had an implant in December which is about to wear off any day now. So anyway, she was cleared to return home with oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories after the op, so home she came. But after 2 days crop started backing up with fluid again and I had no choice but to take her off the meds because nothing was getting through either way and I wondered if the antibiotic were behind the re-emergence of the sour crop. So a day off the antibiotics and her crop was emptying again but stomach was beginning to harden and she was in sh*t form. So was in a catch 22 because if I gave her the antibiotic her crop would likely fill up again but if I didn't the repro infection would worsen. Hence original post looking for recommendations on anti-fungal other than Nystatin. So had to come up with a way to treat everything without antibiotics. So currently giving her oil of oregano (not the EO) and pure, stabilised allicin to treat the repro infection and she's getting kefir, garlic water, probiotic with some digestive enzymes all mixed together 4 times daily to treat the yeast. She hanging in there, today is day 3 of the new regimen and she looking brighter. Crop is emptying again and abdomen has softened but we've a ways to go yet. Might copy and paste this as and create a separate post in the event it will help others in the same boat. Thanks anyway ladies, send us on all the positive vibes, we gonna need it🐔
Hi—dealing with sour crop as well and wondering how your hen is doing. Also wondering what kind of probiotics and digestive enzymes you use—are they specific for poultry or just any kind? Thanks for any help!

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