Angry Rooster!! HELP!!


Dec 14, 2019
Hillsboro, TX
So, if you’ve read any of my previous posts you’ll know when we got our little chicks we got what we thought was a pleasant surprise when we found out our Favenrolle was a male. Well we have recently seen the dark side of our handsome boy and I just don’t know what to do 😓. First he went after our five year old, now in his defense our son did tease him with food. Sooooo now our rooster chases our son around the yarn anytime he’s out ... (we have since separated the two boys ;)) . Well today,our rooster decided to attack me while I was cleaning out the chicken run. So now I’m at a lose, he’s never shown anyform of aggression up until recently (now that almost all the ladies are laying). I need advice, should we find another home for him? Should we just eat him (kinda kidding but also kinda not seeing as we did buy them for a purpose and not just for pets) or should I give it some time and just make it a point to keep him in the coop and not let him out anymore at all. Please help me decide!!

also,my son, the one he’s not gone after three times, refuses to get rid of him but I honestly don’t know after today (thankful I had on pants and a jacket)
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So, if you’ve read any of my previous posts you’ll know when we got our little chicks we got what we thought was a pleasant surprise when we found out our Favenrolle was a male. Well we have recently seen the dark side of our handsome boy and I just don’t know what to do 😓. First he went after our five year old, now in his defense our son did tease him with food. Sooooo now our rooster chases our son around the yarn anytime he’s out ... (we have since separated the two boys ;)) . Well today,our rooster decided to attack me while I was cleaning out the chicken run. So now I’m at a lose, he’s never shown anyform of aggression up until recently (now that almost all the ladies are laying). I need advice, should we find another home for him? Should we just eat him (kinda kidding but also kinda not seeing as we did buy them for a purpose and not just for pets) or should I give it some time and just make it a point to keep him in the coop and not let him out anymore at all. Please help me decide!!

also,my son, the one he’s not gone after three times, refuses to get rid of him but I honestly don’t know after today (thankful I had on pants and a jacket)
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I'm sorry! I know it's sad, but if he's exhibiting dangerous behavior, it's best to rehome or cull him. He may settle down with age, but in the meantime he could do serious damage to someone, and if he's that aggressive to you, he may be aggressive to the hens. If you really want to keep him, try carrying him around for 5-10 minutes a day, and when he attacks you, it's hard, but don't show any signs of fear/pain/anger, and don't retaliate. Make him think you're invincible. Honestly though, I think there are too many nice or at least not dangerous roosters in this world to put up with a mini backyard terrorist.
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My SF rooster is a handful too. He's two years old but he only gives me grief and there are no kids involved. I've been working with him right along and one big reason I'm putting the effort into rehabilitating him is because he is such an amazing guy with my flock. He's come a long way but we're not there yet.
Because you have a small child, for me at least, that's the end of the conversation. Yours has to go. Period.
My guy can't hurt me. If I was 3 feet shorter it would be an entirely different matter.
Thank you both, sadly o do think culling is the route we’ll hand to take, luckily we knew going into this it would happen eventually but didn’t think it would be within the first year of having him.

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