Amoxicillin question

Here is what I got from Jedds. I appreciate everyone's replies! I'm grateful. Her vet has her on a sulpha antibiotic and it's going to run out soon. He also gives her liquid calcium but since she hasn't laid a real egg in months. She laid shell less eggs and lash eggs repeatedly now just lays yellow goo which is either infection or yolk. Or both. I'm not sure why she needs liquid calcium at this point since it hasn't worked and I'm wondering about her kidneys with the calcium. Once she starts on antibiotics she is always her normal happy self and is the sweetest hen you could want. As long as her quality of life stays good I'm prepared to continue giving her meds as needed. Tha ks again for all your help.
I should clarify when off antibiotics for couple weeks she lays the yellow poop. So the cycle starts over. I'm not sure if she should be on calcium anymore? She eats a 17% layer pellet with oyster shells on side. My hens have a mobile run we put them in during the day and in their Coop and regular run the rest of the time. The other two are fine. We don't really do treats after reading how they can affect the correct ratio of the food they eat for laying purposes.

Here it is

So the usual dose is 125 - 250mg twice a day.

You have 10,000mg (10g) in that sachel, the key is to now get 125mg, or 0.125g into your lovely hen.

Not sure how you would measure that out. If you have a compounding pharmacy near you I bet they would measure it out into capsules for you.

Here it is

So the usual dose is 125 - 250mg twice a day.

You have 10,000mg (10g) in that sachel, the key is to now get 125mg, or 0.125g into your lovely hen.

Not sure how you would measure that out. If you have a compounding pharmacy near you I bet they would measure it out into capsules for you.

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Thank you! The back of the package is just gold foil plastic packaging. You are very helpful and I appreciate your knowledge.
It looks like that is meant to be mixed into the birds' drinking water.

For that, you would mix it at the recommended dosage, and provide that as the only source of water for her to drink. For a single hen, mixing 1/4 teaspoon in 1 quart of water, then using that to refill her water dish each time she needs it, would probably work well.

If you are planning to use it differently, I don't really know how to measure the right amount.

I suppose you could guess that a hen drinks about 2 cups of water per day (a common estimate), which would be 1/8 teaspoon of the powder per day. So you could mix that amount of powder into a small amount of water, and give her half in the morning and half in the evening, rather than trying to have it mixed into all the water she drinks. But that may not be accurate enough to work very well.:idunno

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