Aloha Chicken Project Eggs


15 Years
Dec 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I have been working for the last few years on an exciting new project! The idea is to create something like a "Speckled Sussex" - a dual purpose, average sized, good layer, but something that comes in many more exciting mottled colors, like blue mottled, gold mottled, some with more white and some with less, etc. Progress has been going great! Lots of new colors have arrived. The latest include "PUMPKIN" mottled - a solid dark orange all over, with mottling and no black! Other exciting colors include Creole mottled, (what I call "Confetti") and a Buff Mottled hen with a blue tail.

Please note that this is a work in progress, and they are still smaller than what I'd like. They are not banty sized, but a little smaller than a Leghorn. Hens weigh about three to four pounds. They are terrific, reliable layers of small tinted eggs. Very healthy and robust little chickens. Gorgeous rainbow of colors. I am currently looking for new breeders wanting to help with this project, please check out my web site to see info and photos.

The "Buy It Now" is for TWO DOZEN PLUS EXTRAS hatching eggs, from two breeder pens. Pen #1 has a Red Mottled roo with hens of various Mottled colors. Most or all of the chicks hatched from Pen #1 will show mottling of various colors. They will look much like the parents, shown here in these photos. Pen #2 has various small, very colorful hens, running with a rooster who is half Aloha, and half New Hampshire Red. The New Hampshire Red makes him much larger than the hens. These chicks may or may not show mottling, but they will all CARRY mottling, and when chicks from Pen #1 are crossed with the larger chicks from Pen #2, you will get many colorful babies, that will also have improved size. I have a total of three roosters and 15+ hens so there is sure to be lots of variety in your chicks.

Eggs will be individually wrapped in bubble wrap and surrounded by peanuts. Shipping is in a medium size flat rate Priority box. I will fit two dozen in there, plus extras if there is any room. Box will be shipped on Tuesday, April 19th.

I cannot gurantee hatch rates, due to handling of post office, but I will offer you one dozen replacement eggs FREE, you just pay shipping, if for any reason you do not have any chicks hatch out for you.

Thanks so much for looking!





Ohh why did you have to post these now ??? I have 2 doz + Oprington eggs coming in and its going to fill by bator
I'll have to keep and eye on when you sell some again.
These are very beautiful, would a pea or cushion combed version be acceptable?
What is in their backround?
The body style (eventually) is supposed to be a "dual purpose" bird. Think of a Speckled Sussex, but in lots of colors, instead of just the Mahogany/Black mottled.

I *LOVE* the fun colors in those fabulous Banty Mottled Cochins, or the Mille Fleur D'Uccles!!! But I really needed a "practical" chicken, a good egg layer, and since I hatch out my own chicks, it would be nice if the extra males were big enough to eat. So that's what motivated me to start this - I don't think we should have to choose between having a "practical" breed, like a Rhode Island Red, and a "fun" breed, like the colorful Banties! I want it ALL! Hee hee!

Please keep in mind, since the goal is PRACTICAL and PRETTY - I won't be focusing on things like leg color. Combs should ideally be a single upright comb, but that's only for a PRACTICAL reason - I find it much easier to sex baby roos if they have the upright comb popping up at four weeks, LOL! I have had the Ameraucana roos fool me, have raised Ameraucana "hens" up to three months before oops, the tail starts growing, and POOF - I've been feeding a rooster all that time! Ha ha! But if you like in a very cold environment, and a pea comb works better for you, go for it. That is "practical" by your standards!

What I don't want is for folks to try for fluffy legs, crests, or get too involved in factors that don't affect the plumage color or the practicality. I feel like since we have mottled crested breeds already (Houdans) that are not known for meat or laying, let's try for something new here! Same with Mottled Cochins - we already have tiny colorful fluffies - let's get a BIG and useful "farm chicken" that has those cool colors!!!

If the price on these eggs is too much, I'd be happy to send just one dozen for $10 plus shipping, but I'm using the "flat rate" Medium boxes that are $11 to ship any weight, so my thought was to pack them as full as I can? LOL! But I'd be happy to sell fewer eggs at a lower cost, if you like! Just let me know. The girls are laying like crazy, I'm getting about a dozen per day, but I will be vacationing in Hawaii for 10 days, three weeks from now, so I can't set any eggs the girls lay this week. Wahhh!!!

I will start collecting these for a friend to hatch out soon, but for now, I will have several dozen extra to share this week!
ooo i like this idea and love the look of these birds. i've got to see if ill have room in my bator, if so, would i be able to request just one dozen from pen#1? i ask because you said chicks from this pen would produce different mottled colors!
That wouldn't be a problem, because I have been marking them as Pen #1 and Pen #2 when I bring the eggs in.

Oh - but do note, everybody, the red roo in Pen #2 is half New Hampshire Red, half Aloha. He is being crossed with Alohas. According to theory, the chicks should be half mottled, half solid. They would be 3/4 Aloha and should show improved size. However, since I haven't grown out chicks from this pen yet, I don't want to "guarantee" mottled color until I test it out on my own chicks that I'll be hatching out soon! All I can say they will FOR SURE carry mottling. Some chicks from Pen #2 should also show mottling, however!

Birdbrain5, please PM me with your info if you'd like just one dozen from Pen 1. I could mail them later this week? Thanks!
I just read your website, you have created some wonderful chickens! What color of legs do you plan on breeding for in the future? I really like Cleo's leg color, I think it matches the mottling very well.
I haven't decided on a final leg color. I will probably be bringing in more Sussex and NHR blood, so that means pink legs, yellow legs, or gray legs are all going to be possible! I think I am OK with them having variations, and staying a "type" of chicken, rather than a formal show breed with really strict standards. Sort of like how there are "Ameraucanas" that are show quality, but hatcheries sell Easter Eggers that come in any color, the only common factor being the peacombs, puffy cheeks, and sometimes blue or green eggs? I'm OK with Alohas being good dual purpose, mottled chickens, with a single comb. Leg color and whether the cheeks end up puffy or not, I guess we can just leave that for later to figure out? LOL!

I went and uploaded a HUGE album to Photobucket, that way if anyone is interested, you can see exactly what is in each pen. There are 44 photos! Here is a link to the album: Pens April 2011/

It has many photos of the roosters and hens.

Here are a couple of shots for a "quick view"

PEN #1:


PEN #2:


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