Almost all chicks arrived alive


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 17, 2007
I'm so happy that most of my babies arrived alive. I ordered 50 and got 50 alive but 3 extras were dead. I think the cold weather made them huddle together to tight and they got smashed. The Post Office called at 6:30 am and told me they had my babies. When I went to pick them up they had them setting beside a heater. I think the ones that are alive are doing fine. I have watched them most of the day and haven't done much else.
I feel bad about any chick that doesn't make it. But if that one had to "go" to enable the others to survive, then it was meant to be. I too, am awaiting my order this weekend. I am only getting 25 though. Actually, 26. McMurray throws in that exotic chick. I will be keeping 19 and my brother will be taking 7. Lets hope I am a good caretaker!
Thanks everyone! I hope yours arrive okay. I have one that is very weak and won't eat on its now. I have it in the house and feeding it with a eye dropper. I don't know if it will make it but I had to try. It seems stronger now but still won't eat by itself but it has started to stand for a few minutes at a time.

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