All the Christian Homeschoolers!

I am content with the scars the Lord has seen fit to give me, though a part of me will be annoyed by them at times I'm sure.
Hello. Very sorry to hear about your injuries. When i ran accross your post it reminded me of something i have been thinking about recently. It seems as though you think it was God's plan for you to get bit in the face by that dog, as most people do. This does bring to mind some thought provoking questions that I have had. Does God wants us to suffer and is God is in control? You don't have to answer, it's just something to think about.

People like to say God is in control and everything that happens, happens according to His "plan". Well if that is the case then I think young children dying of cancer, innocent people dying in car wrecks, or kids getting murdered in school shootings are all "part of God's plan". I have a hard time believing that. We are children of God and I don't know of any parent that wants, plans, or intends for their children to be in pain, suffer, or die young.

I certainly believe God is all powerful and could be in "absolute control" if He wanted to, but if that were the case, there would be no free will, Lucifer would have never rebelled against God and got cast out of heaven, Adam and Eve never would have eaten the forbidden fruit, and life here would be "perfect".

The Bible says Satan is the ruler of this earth and we all know he is up to no good. So the way I see it... pain, suffering, and untimely death are not the will of God, they are of Satan. God is all knowing, so He knows whether an innocent child is going to die or not, but I do NOT believe that His plan for that child was an untimely death. That's where I'm currently at with it, anyway. Just thought I would share my $.02 on the issue and provoke some thought and discussion. 🤔

I will pray for a supernaturally fast, pain free recovery for you, with no long term issues, or scars of anykind!!!
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I understand where you're coming from with this, but I do not think it's right to say all bad things aren't apart of God's plan. This particular part for example...
People like to say God is in control and everything that happens, happens according to His "plan". Well if that is the case then young children dying of cancer, innocent people dying in car wrecks, or kids getting murdered in school shootings are all "part of God's plan". I have a hard time believing that. We are children of God and I don't know of any parent that wants, plans, or intends for their children to be in pain, suffer, or die.
God sent His  very  own Son to suffer painfully and die... as apart of His plan for us...

As humans we will never fully understand God, that is beyond our capabilities.
Hello. Sorry to hear about your injuries. This does bring to mind some thought provoking questions though. It appears you think it was God's plan for you to get bit in the face by that dog. Do you think God wants us to suffer? Do you think God is in control? You don't have to answer, it's just something to think about.

People like to say God is in control and everything that happens, happens according to His "plan". Well if that is the case then young children dying of cancer, innocent people dying in car wrecks, or kids getting murdered in school shootings are all "part of God's plan". I have a hard time believing that. We are children of God and I don't know of any parent that wants, plans, or intends for their children to be in pain, suffer, or die.

I certainly believe God is all powerful and could be in "absolute control" if He wanted to, but if that were the case, Lucifer would have never rebelled against God and got cast out of heaven, there would be no free will, Adam and Eve never would have eaten the forbidden fruit, and everything here would be "perfect".

The Bible cleary says Satan is the ruler of this earth and we all know he is up to no good. So the way I see it... pain, suffering, and untimely death are not the will of God, they are of Satan. God is all knowing, so He knows whether an innocent child is going to die or not, but I do NOT believe that His plan for that child was an untimely death. That's where I'm currently at, anyway. Just thought I would share my $.02 on the issue.

I will pray for a supernaturally fast, pain free recovery for you, with no long term issues, or scars of anykind!!!
The fact is that we live in a broken world where man (the human race) has been given a free will. When Eve ate of the forbidden fruit it was her free will to do it, no one made her eat it or made her refrain from eating of the tree.

God does have a perfect plan for every man but His ways are higher than our way and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. It is not for us to understand the why of every situation but it is our responsibility to trust that God does all things well.

As a parent I agree I would do anything to protect my children to keep them from falling down or getting sick. However difficulties are what adds substance to our life and builds character. If I held my child’s hand every moment of every day and never let them live their life and experience the pain and disappointment that comes along with it I would have failed as a parent. God too allows (He doesn’t cause it) the hurt and sorrow in our lives to strengthen our faith in Him and to build our trust in Him. Life is not perfect it is not fair but it is ordained of God to bring him honor and glory.

Read the story of Job.
I understand where you're coming from with this, but I do not think it's right to say all bad things aren't apart of God's plan. This particular part for example...

God sent His  very  own Son to suffer painfully and die... as apart of His plan for us...

As humans we will never fully understand God, that is beyond our capabilities.

Very good point. I should have been a little clearer in what I was saying. I don't believe it is God's desire for me to be in pain or to suffer. But I do think he allows pain or suffering to happen and I should grow from it when it does. Does that even make sense, maybe not, lol.

I guess my point was this.....

If I sprain my ankle tomorrow, should I think God caused it to happen to me? 🤔

The fact is that we live in a broken world where man (the human race) has been given a free will. When Eve ate of the forbidden fruit it was her free will to do it, no one made her eat it or made her refrain from eating of the tree.

God does have a perfect plan for every man but His ways are higher than our way and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. It is not for us to understand the why of every situation but it is our responsibility to trust that God does all things well.
Well said.

As a parent I agree I would do anything to protect my children to keep them from falling down or getting sick. However difficulties are what adds substance to our life and builds character. If I held my child’s hand every moment of every day and never let them live their life and experience the pain and disappointment that comes along with it I would have failed as a parent.
I agree 100%. I just don't feel like He intended pain, suffering, or an untimely death in His "plan for me". BUT when pain or suffering arises (caused by other factors) I am supposed to lean on him, grow stronger, and overcome. I could be wrong, that's just how I perceive it currently....

God too allows (He doesn’t cause it) the hurt and sorrow in our lives to strengthen our faith in Him and to build our trust in Him. Life is not perfect it is not fair but it is ordained of God to bring him honor and glory.

Read the story of Job.
This is what I was trying to get at but you worded it much better than I did. He doesn't always cause it but He allows it.

I actually read a little bit today (chapter 38-39) when I started typing my post. It's what got me thinking about it. It was very interesting to see how God spoke to Job. He really put him in his place. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that interrogation. I will definitely read all of it....

Sorry if this is not the right place to bring this up but I had been thinking of the "God is control" and untimely deaths thing a while back and her accident kind of reminded me again so I thought I would mention it....
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Hazel is home, and looking quite cheerful, considering how bad it looks.
She has got an open area almost as big as the palm of my hand, so it will take a long time to heal, but the vet was hopful he got it all out and she will get better.
All I can do now is look after her, moniter her, and pray for her, but I know what ever happens she will be very well loved.
Sorry if this is not the right place to bring this up but I had been thinking of the "God is control" and untimely deaths thing a while back and her accident kind of reminded me again so I thought I would mention it....
I don't mind :)
Personally I don't really believe in "untimely" deaths...
One of the hardest things that has happened to me was the sudden death of someone I knew. He was young (early 20s) and to this day remains one of the people I consider the strongest Christians I know. As hard as it was for all of us that was the day God chose to take him, it was just right according to His time.
Hazel is home, and looking quite cheerful, considering how bad it looks.
She has got an open area almost as big as the palm of my hand, so it will take a long time to heal, but the vet was hopful he got it all out and she will get better.
All I can do now is look after her, moniter her, and pray for her, but I know what ever happens she will be very well loved.
I'll be praying.
Change of subject to cheer myself up.
One of our other cats, Pots, is the funniest cat around. He is very 'floppy' you can pick him up how ever you like, and he will just flop however you leave him.
His territory is down by the river at the bottom of our garden (he isn't cut out for being an only inside cat, and has to go out) and he doesn't mind wading though water at all.
He likes eating the odd fish he can catch, and unfortunately is rather keen on the odd full size duck as well...
One time when the river went into flood unexpectedly, he almost got swept away, and had to be rescued.
He is such a character, so I just thought other people might injoy hearing about him. (or more like I just like talking to much...!)
Change of subject to cheer myself up.
One of our other cats, Pots, is the funniest cat around. He is very 'floppy' you can pick him up how ever you like, and he will just flop however you leave him.
His territory is down by the river at the bottom of our garden (he isn't cut out for being an only inside cat, and has to go out) and he doesn't mind wading though water at all.
He likes eating the odd fish he can catch, and unfortunately is rather keen on the odd full size duck as well...
One time when the river went into flood unexpectedly, he almost got swept away, and had to be rescued.
He is such a character, so I just thought other people might injoy hearing about him. (or more like I just like talking to much...!)
He does sound like such a character!
My cat is a mosty "floppy" cat, her mood and personality can change in seconds 😅. One of her favourite positions is to drape herself over my shoulder and just sit there.
Hello. Very sorry to hear about your injuries. When i ran accross your post it reminded me of something i have been thinking about recently. It seems as though you think it was God's plan for you to get bit in the face by that dog, as most people do. This does bring to mind some thought provoking questions that I have had. Does God wants us to suffer and is God is in control? You don't have to answer, it's just something to think about.

People like to say God is in control and everything that happens, happens according to His "plan". Well if that is the case then I think young children dying of cancer, innocent people dying in car wrecks, or kids getting murdered in school shootings are all "part of God's plan". I have a hard time believing that. We are children of God and I don't know of any parent that wants, plans, or intends for their children to be in pain, suffer, or die young.

I certainly believe God is all powerful and could be in "absolute control" if He wanted to, but if that were the case, there would be no free will, Lucifer would have never rebelled against God and got cast out of heaven, Adam and Eve never would have eaten the forbidden fruit, and life here would be "perfect".

The Bible says Satan is the ruler of this earth and we all know he is up to no good. So the way I see it... pain, suffering, and untimely death are not the will of God, they are of Satan. God is all knowing, so He knows whether an innocent child is going to die or not, but I do NOT believe that His plan for that child was an untimely death. That's where I'm currently at with it, anyway. Just thought I would share my $.02 on the issue and provoke some thought and discussion. 🤔

I will pray for a supernaturally fast, pain free recovery for you, with no long term issues, or scars of anykind!!!

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