All the Christian Homeschoolers!

Also, I was wondering if I could pick people’s brains about their (rough) school schedule? I spend the equivalent of a full public school day (7 hours) doing my work and ALL the homeschoolers I know finish their work within a few hours or so. What am I doing wrong? Am I just doing more work?

My school lasts only 3-4 hours not including any breaks or electives or PE
No problem! Me too

I thought @MGG was 30 also
They aren't?!
Hi, I'm pamps, yall can call me....well....pamps. I live in Florida and have 2.5 acres. We have 4 horses, 2 goats, 21 chickens, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 cockatiel, and 1 cockatoo. I've been homeschooled my whole life and a Christian my whole life. Music is my passion, I love it. 🎶❤️ especially country....and Morgan Wallen is my favorite. I had to mention that 🤣
That's bout it on me
I was a homeschooler! Way before it was very popular, but I did well and went on to graduate "normal" college with honors. I started homeschooling in 7th grade after begging my mom because due to family relocations, I had been the "new kid" in 3 public & private schools in 2.5yrs. I loved staying home and having more time to spend with my animals and read 😄

My relatives thought it was very weird to homeschool and had plenty of opinions on how I was missing out on normalcy etc etc. Looking back, I now know that I didn't miss out on a thing!

These days, I spend way more time with my chickens than with my relatives 😆
Also, I was wondering if I could pick people’s brains about their (rough) school schedule? I spend the equivalent of a full public school day (7 hours) doing my work and ALL the homeschoolers I know finish their work within a few hours or so. What am I doing wrong? Am I just doing more work?

Last year, which was my last “normal” year as a homeschooler, it took me a while to get done. The upper high school stuff is just tough, really. Saxon precalc and Apologia physics is a hard combination. So I’d say I got done mid to late afternoon, usually. So I probably did a full school day as well. :D
For middle school, Montessori works kind of the same as regular middle schools since Maria Montessori didn’t plan the curriculum to go that far. However, elementary/ lower classes work very differently. Each class (30 ish kids) has two teachers who teach all the subjects. All the kids stay in the same classroom, instead of transitioning to different rooms at different blocks. The teaching method is different (I don’t know how well I could describe it, not having gone to a public school), but we have different hands-on ”materials” that teach each subject. For example, we learn division using the “racks and tubes” which are just tubes with beads in them. Addition/subtraction is taught using an abacus. The materials are really the key of the Montessori method, expressed by Maria Montessori‘s famous quote “what the hand does, the mind remembers.”

Sorry, that’s probably a little more (or a lot more) than you wanted to know about the Montessori method. I guess I’m a little proud 😅.
No, that's a great explanation!
My mother had me do Charlotte Mason for a year, so I did do a little bit of Montessori style learning for a while, as well as with Schiller Math.
The Montessori methods are great, I'm glad you all are enjoying/have enjoyed them.
I've done one intro on a homeschooler thread, but here we go!
I have never been to school a day in my life 😆 Homeschooled from the start! I am finished school now though and am doing online study (which I am not very great at, I'd rather do it in person).
Never have I thought I missed out on something by not going to school. IMO the "Lack of socializing" is rubbish 😅 No, I wasn't locked at home never to see anyone. I actually got to go more places and do more things because there was no school hours limitations!
Hobbies include art, reading, a bit of writing, music, and animals... 95% animals though 😊 I always say my "occupation" is Part Time Artist/Full Time animal Servant.
I've done one intro on a homeschooler thread, but here we go!
I have never been to school a day in my life 😆 Homeschooled from the start! I am finished school now though and am doing online study (which I am not very great at, I'd rather do it in person).
Never have I thought I missed out on something by not going to school. IMO the "Lack of socializing" is rubbish 😅 No, I wasn't locked at home never to see anyone. I actually got to go more places and do more things because there was no school hours limitations!
Hobbies include art, reading, a bit of writing, music, and animals... 95% animals though 😊 I always say my "occupation" is Part Time Artist/Full Time animal Servant.
I love that occupation title. :D
Man, I wish I got to go on more field trips and outings. My mom's never been a fan of driving absolutely anywhere more than ten minutes away.
Also, I was wondering if I could pick people’s brains about their (rough) school schedule? I spend the equivalent of a full public school day (7 hours) doing my work and ALL the homeschoolers I know finish their work within a few hours or so. What am I doing wrong? Am I just doing more work?

Mine always varied quite a lot, but when I was doing Charlotte Mason and it was all structured and whatnot, I had 25 subjects in a day(to the public schooler's 7!!). Only once did I ever buckle down and do a full day of the minimal work I was supposed to be doing every day. It took me a solid twelve hours. Needless to say, I dropped that method, though I did enjoy a lot of the extra subjects. It was too much.
Otherwise, I think an average schedule, years back when I was doing stuff regularly, started at 9 or 10 and ended near 5,.sometimes going until 8. But most of that was probably prolonged by throwing fits.

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