'All Stock' 12% protein feed...??

I just want to mention for the person feeding a low protein ration to youngsters, that they actually need "higher" protein than your layers for proper growth and development. You may not see a difference now, but in the long run it really won't be worth the savings unless these will be culls in the end.

I hear people around here telling me how "all I feed is scratch or cracked corn". They don't understand why their chickens don't lay eggs or get sick and die at early ages. Proper nutrition over the life of a bird is necessary. My feeling is, if you can't afford to feed them properly, then its time to consider downsizing or getting rid of them altogether.

You get what you pay for with any animal feed (just ask my DH about suggesting feeding cheap food to my dogs LOL). 'All Stock'?! Well if it's not suitable for goats, cattle, horses, ducks, or chickens, is it really worth buying? I'd steer clear of it.
Intresting, i feed mine "Bluebonnet Natures blend 10 Horse Feed". Mine do great on it and waste nothing. I've never tried "All stock" Though because it didn't have any corn in it like my girls love. I've seen NO problems at all. I mix it wit the booster sometimes to get a 16% protein feed.
I use all stock for my goats and rabbits but not as a "sole" feed. I cut medicated rabbit and goat feeds with it every other day to help stretch the feed bags. My chickens eat it but only because they get into the goat pen. I have to shoo my cats out of it too since they crawl in the bags in th barn! The stuff is so sweet all sorta animals love it.

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