All my crazy projet ideas!

Off topic, but these are my 3 pullets from a hatch last summer.
They're silly. 😂
They're just so fragile.. I had, and I'm sad to say, 4 die in the last hatch..
I'm not even sure why.. It was probably just failure to thrive, honestly..
Aww, im sorry

I know how it is, the ayam cemanis are very fragile.
The lady i got them from got 2 out of her 20 hatched and lived.
Aww, im sorry

I know how it is, the ayam cemanis are very fragile.
The lady i got them from got 2 out of her 20 hatched and lived.
Thanks, it happens. I have another 16 old English eggs in the incubator, so hopefully I get a good hatch from those.

Oh my gosh, I KNOW! I have 6 die on me in 30 minutes one summer.. 😭
Wow... That's crazy..

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