All Mealworm Farmers Should Check This Out!

Space Coast Mealworms

5 Years
Nov 6, 2017
If you're like me, you have a mealworm farm at home to help feed your birds. You've done lots of research and have decided to hand-pick your pupae from the worms so they aren't cannibalized. At first it was fun and even therapeutic, but now it has become a tiring chore. If you don't keep up with it once or twice a week your bins get out of control with beetles and dead pupae.

The problem is that this chore becomes longer and longer the bigger your farm is. You can easily spend hours a week hand-picking out the pupae, since there isn't an easier system available.

Well now there is! I have designed a sifting tray that allows all of your substrate, frass, and worms to fall through, but collects the pupae. You can easily sift out thousands of pupae in less than a minute. Don't believe me? Watch this video:

These trays are made from 1/4" laser-cut birch wood. They are assembled in under 10 minutes with just a bit of wood glue.

If you are interested in saving hours of labor every week, please consider ordering your own sifting tray. I have four different sizes, ranging from $20 to $85. To learn more, or to order you very own tray, click HERE. I have already sold 30+ trays to very satisfied customers, and have a handful of trays that are cut and ready to ship as soon as they are ordered.

Let me know if you have any questions about this product. Happy Sifting!

Scott Jost
Space Coast Mealworms

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