All day egg song

Add one more, odds are they will use the same.. but option is better than none. Maybe she'll stop crying.. Was married with children. Had many nests.. Removed half, now they prefer the two ground ones.. with decoy eggs. Can't make em' happy.. Like marriage. The alpha has had enough of the noise.. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.. It's a WWII reference if you don't know it.. Grease Gun.
At one point today I wondered if she was squawking to get some attention...because I would go out every time. Finally I ignored her song for a couple hours and she stopped 🤔
Does she always have thin shells? Maybe she needs a calcium boost. Calcium citrate for a few days to see if she stops singing and gets better shells.
Her shells have been fine until a couple weeks ago. Now it’s hit or miss if they’re thin 🤷🏻‍♀️ Her problem first started during a hot spell so I thought maybe the calcium got diluted from all the water they were drinking? But it’s been good weather all week so i don’t know now. I’ll try the calcium and see if that helps her.
They’re available...I shake the container everyday to remind them where they are and they all head over thinking it’s a treat 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus my layer feed has calcium. Idk what else to do with her.

To ensure she's eating the oyster shell: isolate her for a private breakfast. 2-3x a week serve a small bowl (like 1 Tbsp is fine) of wet or fermented feed with oyster shell mixed in. If she does not like chunks of oyster shell, crush it up or use the powdery remnants from bottom of the bag. Should only take her minutes to eat and after that she's free to go.

Assuming her issue is simply insufficient calcium intake, you should see results in a week or two, and you can try reducing it to 1-2x a week and should hopefully continue getting good results. If you still have the same issue, then you might need to try pills of calcium citrate instead for a faster, bigger calcium boost.
To ensure she's eating the oyster shell: isolate her for a private breakfast. 2-3x a week serve a small bowl (like 1 Tbsp is fine) of wet or fermented feed with oyster shell mixed in. If she does not like chunks of oyster shell, crush it up or use the powdery remnants from bottom of the bag. Should only take her minutes to eat and after that she's free to go.

Assuming her issue is simply insufficient calcium intake, you should see results in a week or two, and you can try reducing it to 1-2x a week and should hopefully continue getting good results. If you still have the same issue, then you might need to try pills of calcium citrate instead for a faster, bigger calcium boost.
Ooh thanks that’s a good plan
At one point today I wondered if she was squawking to get some attention...because I would go out every time. Finally I ignored her song for a couple hours and she stopped 🤔
Could very well be.. Had one, stepped on her foot me thinks.. Checked her out, nothing broken and not really bumblefoot. She was hobbled, so was getting pecked as she lay on the ground. So I arranged her own little space within the run.. So as not to separate her from the flock, just protect her.. Fed and watered her separately.. had her own little box shelter. When she got too getting around.. I'd feed the flock and she'd follow me. and expect to be hand fed I guess.. and even allowing me to handle her. Went on for some time as I would allow her to eat out of the bucket as I held it.. Well enough of that and told her so.. Ignored her awhile, now she feeds with the best of em' and hangs around with the flock instead of me. Although eyeballs me occasionally..
It’s been 7 hours and I’ve heard an egg song from the same chicken 30 times. It’s driving me crazy so I can only imagine how my neighbors feel. 😬
A little backstory...this same 11 month old Red sexlink had a problem with laying soft shelled eggs a couple weeks ago. I brought her inside when she was acting sick and once she passed her 2nd soft shell, she was back to normal and with the flock. Since then, I noticed a couple times that her shells were thinner than normal but still ok. Today her shell was so thin that it broke when it hit the ground (she lays off the roost idk why).
-She’s acting fine otherwise.
-they have oyster shell available.
-very limited treats if any.
Secured in coop/run
-today another hen has been chasing her (not normal)
-already laid her egg today (thin and broke)
Is there something else I should be doing? It’s getting REALLY loud over here... especially when the other chickens join in on the song 😂 and of course it’s Sunday so my neighbors are home all day to enjoy our barnyard symphony
Is she getting bullied and chased away from getting oyster shell or away from nests?

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