albendazole usage help needed


6 Years
May 28, 2017
Dear BYCers,

I am suspecting that one of my 5 hens is infected with worms. She has been lethargic and pale for quite a long time (3-4 months). Her comb is pale and saggy and egg production has significantly dropped. I think I spotted a worm once in her dropping but can't be sure. From what I've researched, using a drug containing albendazole could be appropriate. Valbazen is one such drug but in my location (Turkey), Andazole is the brand name of that drug (it is a suspension just like Valbazen). It contains 2% albendazole. My questions are:

1) How much drug should I use? According to my calculation I should use 1ml to give 20mg of albendazole. 20 mg per kg of chicken seems to be the suggested dose. So should I give around 1.5 ml given that my sick chicken is about 1.5 kg?

2) How many times should I give this drug? How many times a day and for how many days?

3) What time of the day should I give the drug? Does it matter if the chickens are fed before giving the drug?

4) Should I avoid eating the eggs for some period? If so for how long? My interpretation is that this drug is used even for humans and in much larger doses. Given that only a fractional amount will be present in the eggs (if any), it should not be a big deal to continue eating the eggs.

5) Is it best to administer this drug using a needle-less syringe? Can a single person do it or should I get some help?

6) Any further advice?

Ok, I've given my first dose of albendazole this morning. I plan to continue for 3 days. Will let you know of the results.
Thanks for this information. I was going to do it in consecutive days. Given that I dosed my bird on Tuesday, you suggest to give the second dose on Friday and the last dose on Monday?
Unfortunately my chicken died. It was already very week before giving the first dose. I think I was too late in starting the treatment. Thanks for the help anyways. I am sure it will be useful in future incidences.

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