Ah, the advantage of having fellow Asian Co-workers


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
I don't have to feel bad when I bring in black vinegar pigs feet to work for lunch. It smells wonderful... to us at least, the one Caucasian in the lab isn't in yet, but he's married to an Asian so he probably won't mind either. At least I don't bring in fish and cabbage to microwave.
They sell pickled pig's feet and pickled turkey gizzards here, so you'd probably fit in here, too.
I worked in a place that had an Electrical Quality Inspection and testing department that was entirely Vietnamese immigrants from the mass evacuation in 1976 when Hanoi fell. Might be off on the year. You have probably seen the footage of people hanging from helicopter skids trying to get out. The guy that was in charge of them was a General in the Vietnamese Army. He was the only one that spoke English. I'm sure they all speak English now

At any rate. They always came in and microwaved Kimshi. Yep that stuff puts off a smell. They had a separate lunch hour. Then I had a Sergeant in the Army that was married to a Korean woman. He brought cold Kimshi on field maneuvers and used to eat the stuff inside our enclosed artillery piece. Serious bad.

You must work at a high tech place.
I had enough kimshi in China, the even served it on the airplanes. I have to say the worst smell was snake wine. You could smell it from blocks away!

Kimchi is awesome. My SO is half Korean and his mom makes kimchi. But I don't bring that in for lunch either.

Never knew broccoli smelled bad microwaved.

I wish we had high tech stuff to work with. Being in a university research lab generally means our tech is about 10-20 years behind industry and half our reagents are scrounged out from the 80's. LOL

You do what you gotta do, and if you can enjoy the small things like lunch, all the better!

I have more pigs feet and buns waiting for me at the apartment.

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