Advise on Watering


In the Brooder
May 28, 2018
Northern Ontario
Hello Everyone,

Need some assistance as I may just be over-concerned :idunno. I am using the Harris Farms Poultry Watering Cup, introduced recently (within 2 weeks).

Now I have seen 2 of the flock use the cup. None of the chickens look distraught or out of sorts and I have been getting eggs (new flock they are only 5 months old).

Now without seeing them all drink I am concerned. I have 1 of the cups in the run and another within the coop. I guess my concern is simple - What should I be watching for with respect to dehydration? If signs appear is it too late?

On the really hot days I have been putting out their old watering jug it is just recently that it has cooled off and I have removed it. I also have watering nipples within the run - none of the chickens touch them?

Reason I am looking for an automatic watering system is the chickens are not at my house due to by-laws in my community. With a PVC type system I am not concerned with dirty water or it spilling as much.

Open to any help advise - feel free if you have any questions.

I've read a lot of people have trouble getting the birds either to learn to press the paddle to refill the cups, or just not being interested in them. That would worry me too. Personally, I'd use a number of 5-6 gallon waterers. But that's me.
I've read a lot of people have trouble getting the birds either to learn to press the paddle to refill the cups, or just not being interested in them. That would worry me too. Personally, I'd use a number of 5-6 gallon waterers. But that's me.
May be where I will have to head as much as I do not like the solution. :barnie

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