Advice needed on what to do about integrating a pullet

Ocho 8 Farm

Sep 18, 2022
Southern Atlanta, GA
I have a bit of a conundrum …
I was given 3 chicks from a friend in march when they were 3 weeks old. Well 2 have turned out to be roos. I already have a roo and I have someone who will take the 2 new boys. However they don’t want the female and i really do want her but she is very attached to the boys. I have a group of 5 week old chicks that are in the look dont touch area of the run. Do you think i can put her in there with that group so she can bond with them and not be lonely ? She is very flighty and always stays close to her boys so I’m trying to make the adjustment as smooth as I can. She is 9 weeks old. Is that too old now to go back to being with the 5 weekers?
Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.
Hey 👋 honestly think about what she wants and what you want and try to come to a understanding with her. It usually takes around 3 weeks to a month to get used to a new flock. Perhaps keep the roosters with her in the younger flock for a few weeks until she has gotten used to things and then give the roosters away. If she is still totally glued to them after a week or so then perhaps rethink having her with you .
A single 9 week old can probably be added to a group of 5 week olds without too much issue - the younger ones won't have a set pecking order and it helps that they'd outnumber the older one. I'd give it a shot as long as you have some time to supervise their first interaction to ensure you catch any issues that might pop up.
A single 9 week old can probably be added to a group of 5 week olds without too much issue - the younger ones won't have a set pecking order and it helps that they'd outnumber the older one. I'd give it a shot as long as you have some time to supervise their first interaction to ensure you catch any issues that might pop up.
Thanks I appreciate your help. I will give it a try

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