Abandoned duck eggs Pipping!! Help please!!


Mar 3, 2023
My 2 yr old muscovy mom, Luna, has always been very good at hatching out her clutch however we still have 6 of her last clutch whom are quite the trouble makers and caused so much drama during this incubation of this clutch she was left with 2 eggs. Even those 2 eggs at one point we're knocked out of the nest. This is when i candled them and they looked to me like they weren't developing like maybe they stopped developing by week 2 but what do i know, apparently nothing because even tho i put the two eggs i thought were dead back, they were knocked out again last night when Ben our smallest and most picked on bird decided to jump into Napoleon and Lunas cage just to mate with my brooding mom. What a risk that was because Napoleon, Luna's partner has caused 2 birds to have vet visits but somehow or another Ben survived his daring attempt but Lunas 2 eggs were knocked out again and i was told this event happened last night but when i made it out there this morning and saw the 2 eggs knocked out i picked them up, one way heavier then the other but the lighter one had pipped! I wasnt sure it was alive but i took it inside and put it under a heat lamp and it's now breathing, chirping, moving and doing its mouth movements like it's eating (I'm assuming still absorbing the yolk sac). However it had not tried to come out of it's shell anymore then it already was when ib first picked it up and I'm not sure when to assist. Also the heavier egg i put back in mom's nest but she never sat back on it so i decided to bring it in too and 4 hours later what do you know it's pipped and starting to zip. Plenty of chirping and looks strong, stronger then the first one. But again my concern is when do i assist. I'm afraid the first one may be shrink wrapped but i did see blood vessels a little this morning on the one already pipped so hence why im also leaving it alone. Please let me know what all i should do. They are just in a box with a blanket, heat lamp and thermometer. I'm not even sure when they were supposed to hatch. I never worry cause mom is typically so good at it start to finish. I'll try to attach pics and video. Thanks so much! P.s. we've already named them Chance and Lucky lol.. Chance is the one not progressing but very much alive. And Lucky is strong and breaking shell as i type this.


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My 2 yr old muscovy mom, Luna, has always been very good at hatching out her clutch however we still have 6 of her last clutch whom are quite the trouble makers and caused so much drama during this incubation of this clutch she was left with 2 eggs. Even those 2 eggs at one point we're knocked out of the nest. This is when i candled them and they looked to me like they weren't developing like maybe they stopped developing by week 2 but what do i know, apparently nothing because even tho i put the two eggs i thought were dead back, they were knocked out again last night when Ben our smallest and most picked on bird decided to jump into Napoleon and Lunas cage just to mate with my brooding mom. What a risk that was because Napoleon, Luna's partner has caused 2 birds to have vet visits but somehow or another Ben survived his daring attempt but Lunas 2 eggs were knocked out again and i was told this event happened last night but when i made it out there this morning and saw the 2 eggs knocked out i picked them up, one way heavier then the other but the lighter one had pipped! I wasnt sure it was alive but i took it inside and put it under a heat lamp and it's now breathing, chirping, moving and doing its mouth movements like it's eating (I'm assuming still absorbing the yolk sac). However it had not tried to come out of it's shell anymore then it already was when ib first picked it up and I'm not sure when to assist. Also the heavier egg i put back in mom's nest but she never sat back on it so i decided to bring it in too and 4 hours later what do you know it's pipped and starting to zip. Plenty of chirping and looks strong, stronger then the first one. But again my concern is when do i assist. I'm afraid the first one may be shrink wrapped but i did see blood vessels a little this morning on the one already pipped so hence why im also leaving it alone. Please let me know what all i should do. They are just in a box with a blanket, heat lamp and thermometer. I'm not even sure when they were supposed to hatch. I never worry cause mom is typically so good at it start to finish. I'll try to attach pics and video. Thanks so much! P.s. we've already named them Chance and Lucky lol.. Chance is the one not progressing but very much alive. And Lucky is strong and breaking shell as i type this.
Give them time, ducklings can take a while to hatch and the chewing indicates yolk left.
Do you have a hygrometer? I'd get one ASAP, and try to raise the humidity. You could do this by adding wet sponges in very shallow dishes (not too close to babies) under the heat lamp but you'll need to refresh these often to ensure they're not drying out too fast.
Ensure whatever container you use to put the sponges in, isn't possible for the ducklings to get stuck in once hatched.
You could also transfer them to a shower room (with a heat source, of course), and use the shower to make the room a little steamy. Hopefully that will maintain some humidity for a while.

If you see any exposed dry membrane, brush a little amount of coconut oil or vaseline over the area to moisten it
But for now, wait and hopefully they complete their hatch soon
Give them time, ducklings can take a while to hatch and the chewing indicates yolk left.
Do you have a hygrometer? I'd get one ASAP, and try to raise the humidity. You could do this by adding wet sponges in very shallow dishes (not too close to babies) under the heat lamp but you'll need to refresh these often to ensure they're not drying out too fast.
Ensure whatever container you use to put the sponges in, isn't possible for the ducklings to get stuck in once hatched.
You could also transfer them to a shower room (with a heat source, of course), and use the shower to make the room a little steamy. Hopefully that will maintain some humidity for a while.

If you see any exposed dry membrane, brush a little amount of coconut oil or vaseline over the area to moisten it
But for now, wait and hopefully they complete their hatch soon
Thank you so much for your advice and I hope its ok but i responded with a video and speaking in it. Oh and i forgot to mention in the video that i do not have coconut oil my son is super allergic or any sort of ointment, i may have a&d in my tattoo gear but as i mention in the video im confident he's (Chance) completely shrink wrapped. Unfortunately i am currently stuck at home with no transportation too and the only friends or help i have are my neighbors, my roomate and my husband and of them only my husband has transportation and he works all the time and due to medical issues does not currently live at home. Therefore I'm very limited on resources currently, at least til we either get a new car that we are attempting to do whenever my husband can be available or until we can repair one of the 5 cars we own that are broke down and/or wrecked. 🤦🏻🤦🏻 Thank you again for all your help!! My feathered babies are my life for sure!!

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