A White Gold Laced Wyandotte chick


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2023
Are Gold Laced Wyandottes carriers of the white gene? Out of 11 GLW chicks, one came out white. Did anyone else have this happen to their GLW hatch? They're from a reputable source, and there was zero possibility of mingling of the parents with any of the other chicken breeds.
I was gifted the white one, though I would've happily paid for her (I do hope is a pullet.)
They're 10 days-old in the pics.


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I suppose if they're a recessive white, it's possible. The parents would each need a gene and wouldn't show it. I don't know if white Wyandottes are dominant or recessive though
I think that's right - it appears to be a recessive white. This is what I've found:

White in Wyandotte is described as being developed from sports within the breed and is presumed to be cc (recessive white). While not a true genetic albino (no pink eyes), the cc genotype eliminates all eumelanin and phaeomelanin from the feathers and so can mask any other genes. Chickens in general also have a 'dominant white' gene (I). White Wyandottes of uncertain origin (or from recent crossbreeding) may be have the I genotype instead.

Crossing a recessive white (cc) into the lace flock genepool will result in the occassional white whenever two c alleles realign to form cc. But, once introduced, it will be nearly impossible to remove this gene from the pool.

Crossing a dominant white (I_) into the Wyandotte flock genepool will result in many white birds. But since the gene doesn't hide, it's relatively easy to cull the gene back out of the flock.

Source: https://minifluffsrabbitry.weebly.com/wyandotte-chicken-color-genetics.html

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