A&M Giant White Coturnix

My Texas AMs where huge from the start. They grew fast and are twice the size of my regular coturnix that hatched the same day. The foam ball forms in males who are breeding already. The more coturnix males breed the bigger the foam ball is. It's some kind of kidney discharge and so far no real answers as to why this happens in coturnix quail alone. My corty males were singing at 6 weeks that's probabl the faster way to tell instead of the foam ball formation.

And yeah if you squeeze on the foam ball which is just above the vent the stuff comes out the vent like toothpaste. Some people think it's semen but it's a kidney discharge. That's as far as I've studied up on them.
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That's very interesting Ace! I think I would have assumed it was semen, or a semen mix.

Now I can look forward to the "singing". What is that all about anyway? Everytime I hear sing I think songbird, surely it is not like that. Is it a short call, a long call, loud, soft, high or low? Just curious. And do only the males sing?(I'm assuming yes, since some sex them this way)

Yeah, I was told it was a semen mix when I had my first quail about 9 years ago and saw people trying to AI their quail with it. I got a book by Loyl Stromberg on sexing birds and found out about what I wrote.

The song is hard to describe... It's like a warbled noise. It's a bit funny sounding.
Boy, can those little things drink some water. LOL

You haven't had pheasant or ducks

Maybe you have.:|
You haven't had pheasant or ducks

Maybe you have.:|

I had ducks, but I also expected the ducks to play and drink in their water more. Which they did.

I saw those little tiny quail hatch out of their egg and thought "Surely, this waterer will last me a few days before needing to be refilled"... LOL. WRONG, I have to refill their waterer at least once a day, usually twice. LOL I haven't figured out where all that water goes.. they're so small..

I think the ducks just plain plaid in their water and made soup constantly. Nasty little ducklings.


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