A&M Giant White Coturnix


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Anyone have this variety? How are they? Did they do well for you?

We have about 90 eggs of this variety hatching on Tuesday and it is the first time I have had quail.

Let me hear about your experience and your opinion on them.

I plan on having them for meat and eggs.

I have them. They are great birds but basically they are just white coturnix quail. I have two more batches of eggs in the incubator and three half grown chicks. I look forward to breeding them.
I have some in the incubator right now. The breeder told me they are usually a little smaller than the Jumbo Coturnix.

Quick question - I read that the standard color quail can be sexed by feather shape. The females are supposed to have longer, more pointed feathers. Does anyone know if you can sex the other varieties this way? I have Tuxedos, Chocolates, A&Ms, Goldens, etc and would like to find an easy way to sex them.
I don't know how I lost this thread. LOL. I had even subscribed to it.

Ace, did your White Coturnix take longer to mature? The couple who gave me the eggs said they could sex their's at 10 weeks. Most Coturnix sites say 6 weeks. What do you think?

Is the extra time needed because they are Jumbo quail?

Omni, I don't know about the sexing question. I am very new to quail myself, this is my very first batch.

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Some of my A&Ms hatched out today alongside the brown/species Jumbo Quail. I'll let you know who grows faster.

I've heard that the A&Ms don't grow to be quite as big as the Jumbos. I'm trying them out more to play around with colors than for size.

The standard brown color in Coturnix can be sexed at 3-4 weeks of age: the males have the red breast and the females hve a speckled one. Whites can't be color sexed but females supposedly get to be larger than males. I'm guessing that size difference is the most accurate at ten weeks and beyond.

18 of my quail have hatched out so far. I'm staring impatiently at the incubators for the rest. This is my first batch of mailed quail eggs that have actually made it through the post so I'm excited
SandSPoultry, advised me that the white males will "foam" at breeding age. So I guess you could look for the "foam" and then band them to mark males. That's what I plan to do anyway, so I can keep track of my M/F ratio.

Oh yeah, my quail are about a week old today. They are so cute and I swear they are bigger every time I look in the brooder(about twice a day). They are already getting their feathers.

Boy, can those little things drink some water. LOL

I heard about the foaming when you vent sex. I've never tried to do it but should really learn. It'll be easier than sitting down at the quail cages with a book or drawing pad and tagging each male as he sings.

Which I was only kinda planning on doing...
There is nothing to it. Once you start to see the little drops of "foam" on the floor of the coop just turn the males over and they will "foam" all over the place.

I don't know why that seemed so funny.. I guess it was the way my mind read "and they will 'foam' all over the place!". I think I read it with too much emphasis. Sorry, I couldn't help but write about my chuckle..


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