A few questions concerning the use of glass in my future chicken coop


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
West Seattle, Washington
Hi all! I am new the the BYC community and am absolutely excited to get my coop built and get some chickens for the first time. I had a few questions concerning using some large thick pieces of tempered glass in my coop and the chicken run attached to it. I thought it would be cool to make 1 whole whole wall of the coop glass so my son and i could see what the little egg layers are up to. I was also considering using a few glass panels to make up the yard facing side of my chicken run - 1 pce would slide open on a track to let them in and out. The other sides of the run would all be made of wire cloth so it wouldn't get hot like a greenhouse or anything like that. The coop wouldn't be in direct sun at all anyway so temperature wouldn't be an issue.
I am concerned that the chickens might hurt themselves by running into the glass repeatedly thinking it was just not there at all. Also i cold see problems with the coop having a glass wall, maybe it wouldnt get dark enough or they would need more privacy. The nests would still be private and dark. Perhaps i could hinge a cover to accomplish both. Sorry for being to lengthy, looking for input if anyone has done similar things or anyone see's big problems with my glass ideas. Thanx for the help!! Glad to be apart of the community. 206ChickenGuy
The chickens will not like roosting close to the glass wall as they won't feel secure sleeping there...they like to be closed up tight at night. However, a window away from the roost would be fine. You don't want the interior of the coop too light as it might induce egg eating.

If you are going with a huge window - you can always put up a cover over it later...go with your gut! It is your coop- make it into what you want!

Also, if you ever have roosters you want the coop not so light so they don't crow so early in the morning.
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Windows in the coop are great to let in natural light; Yet, I would reconsider large panels for the coop. Too much sun will heat the coop up like a greenhouse! You also don't want the birds on display for predators regardless of how secure things are. My birds appreciate a dark nest box area and often enjoy sitting on the roost and looking out the window.

You could always put some kind of a grid on the window to make it 'visible', like a wooden faux divider...or strips of plastic tape on the outside....or some other kid of decoration that they put on plate glass windows and doors for visibility.

.....and ditto on covering it up if it gets too hot.

Ditto too on the dark nest boxes for laying comfort.

Thinks this is an old wives tale.. "You don't want the interior of the coop too light as it might induce egg eating."
My entry door is completely glass. It's on the north side of my coop as to not get the hot summer sun. Right now I'm currently searching for the cheapest way to put a covering over it but I don't know if I want something light and kinda see through (because I really do like having the glass) or do I want something dark and will cut out a bunch of light to help with the heat
Decisions decisions, I'll probably just break down and get both, that way I can change them out if I need to. Maybe something dark for summer and "see through" for winter.

My chickens will run to it when they see me coming and will tap on it when I'm not moving quick enough for them but they have never actually hit it or ran into it. They know where their door is and don't try and come through the entry door
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Those are nice but I personally like the idea of curtain coverings because it would be easy to take them down and clean. I hate cleaning blinds
It sounds cool but I wouldn't do it. Honestly, anything clear like glass is going to end up covered in dust sooner or later and won't be worth cleaning off all of the time. Also, as others have said, your nesting boxes should be dark and it sounds like this is going to cause more light in what should be a darker area. When chickens want to hide in there, they should feel safe. You don't want them going to hide and still freaking out because they can see what they are running from. I wouldn't do it...

Thanks to everyone for your input. I certainly want to create a nice environmet for my chickens to live and lay in so i appreciate the feedback. Someday pictures will be posted of what i ended up doing and i'm sure the girls will love it.
Thanx again all


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