A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

I have compossed this list of rules to help keep folks from getting stung.

Tell me what you think...

here it is

List of Beekeeping Rules!

Whos fault is it if you get stung?
1. If you keep bees you WILL get stung...
2. Bees suffer and die after they sting you
. (Remember: stinging you is far down a bee's priority list)
3. If you get stung, you are the one making mistakes! (Usually a lot of them)

NEXT: You can break only a few of these following rules and not get stung, but each additional broken rule will exponentially increase your chances of being stung)

Work with the bees when they are content, when the weather is fine
1. Bees don't like strong winds and clouding over skies. Bees like “Blue Bird Days”
2. Bees can tell when storms are coming in (Thunderstorms are worse)
3. Bees don't like excessively hot days (Mid-mornings early afternoons are best)
4. Bees don't like wet conditions after a storm. (A damp hive is an angry hive!)
5. Bees don’t like light inside their hive. The longer it is open the more agitated they will get.
(Get it done, don't "dilly dally")

Wear proper protective gear and equipment
1. Bees like Light colors best (dark cloth makes you look like a big bad bear)
2. Slippery material suits for more aggressive bees. (they cannot get a grip on it)
3. Own tight fitting, Thick Leather gloves. (thick enough the stingers won't go through)
4. Glasses? Get strap so they won’t fall off your face inside your veil. (never open your veil)
5. Any flesh not covered is “free game” for a sting.
6. Use a smoker. Smoke repels and distracts the bees. (smoke on bare flesh helps too)
7. Even long dead bees can sting.
(Use a tool to remove the dead. You don't want a "Zombie Sting".)
8. Don't wash your bee suit, unless it’s absolutely nasty.
Natural, accumulated smells like smoke are helpful.

(hand wash if you must. washing machines can easily damage your suit and veil)
9. Avoid keeping your Hive tool in you bee-suit pocket.
(Even a small suit tear is a big open door for angry bees. -see #8)
10. Wear your hair up and tucked away.
(Big hair is a bee Snagging Magnet. Tangled bees will sting you.)

Watch your behavior and theirs
1. A trapped bee WILL always sting.
2. Do not smoke bees too closely.
(Smoke is hot and heat makes bees really angry)
3. Make all your moves slow and deliberate.
(Do not jar or knock the hive or frames. bees don't like vibrations or fast movements)
4. Use your hive tool to pry just enough to separate the supers at the corner. (see rule 3)
5. Lightly, but quickly use a bee brush to move any bees out of the way (see rule 3 again)
6. Don't shout, breathe on them
(CO2 breath = something that wants to steal honey or eat bees)
7. Don't run away - no matter how strong the urge!
(Bees fly faster than you, and they will chase you if you run)
8. Pets and bee Hives do not mix!
(Ei: Dogs are fast, loud and look a LOT like bears! A bad combo.)
9. Is the hum of the whole hive getting louder? (warning! A quiet hive is a happy hive.)

10. Do not approach or stand in front of the main door of the bee hive.
(For the same reason you don’t walk up behind a horse)
11. Try not to squash any bees (Bees put out an “attack” scent as they die)
12. Don't eat Bananas before and Inspection.
(Banana breath smells just like the "Attack" scent put out by bees)
13. Remember: Guard Bees will “bump” into you first as a warning, before they sting.
(STOP- Move away - reevaluate your list of mistakes.)

After you get stung: Take time to review these rules and count up how many you broke in a row before you finally got stung!
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Quote: Been there, done that. Only I wasn't tending to the hive at that time. I was tending to the chickens and one flew right into me. I did run like hell, but it didn't help. (though I'm sure it would have been highly entertaining to anyone watching.

I would add:

Tuck pants into socks, so they can't get up your pant legs.
No perfume, scented lotions, anything fragrant.

If you get stung, don't come back outside before masking the pheromone scent from you. You WILL be stung again, and in the same spot! (been there, done that too)

I will admit, I don't use the thick gloves. I can't feel anything with them. So I use dishwashing gloves. Yes, they can sting me, but so far, they haven't.
I have spent the last week weeding my bee garden being respectful of the ladies and following the rules, They would fly into me say, 'Pardon me please,' and fly off. I took the warning and weeded further from the hive.

I have been expecting to get stung, yet, they have been lovely
It was a good week.... until I came home and started working in the backyard and got nailed by a huge paper wasp.
I forgot about those guys!
They have no manners.
I just hosted a Totally COOL, 3 part "Intro to BeeKeeping" class last weekend!!!

and I posted about it here:


I would repost the whole thing here too, but there are tons of photos
and I didn't want to hassle with them all over again...

So, please follow the link to read all about it...

Bravo! and
This should be a short vido of the inspection:

Let me know if it does not work

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