6 year old roosters loss of balance?


Mar 12, 2021
Hello! I have 2, 6 year old Russian orloffs that have been having balance issues for a couple months. I have tried everything I can think of : vitamin b 12, nutri drench, higher protien, electrolytes, rooster booster, dewormed, sprayed for lice. And it just isn't helping them. They can walk a little bit but with this cold snap they even lost that ability. They just stand propped against the wall. The one still has a decent appetite but the other doesn't at all. I have not been able to find a vet around here that will treat chickens unfortunately and am wondering if anyone has any other ideas. I lost their other hatchmate last year to what acted like merricks but none of the rest of the flock got it so I'm thinking it was something else. I don't know if this is just a bad line and they've lived as long as they can or if something is genuinely wrong. Ideas?
Can you take a video of their behavior? You would post it first to YouTube and then copy the URL link and paste it here in a reply window. It will then embed.

Since these two aren't your first to have these symptoms, it does point to an avian virus, either Marek's or lymphoid leucosis.

But do try some additional vitamin therapy. Get some B-complex from where they sell people vitamins. Select the B-100 if you see it. It has the highest amount of B-2, 6, and 12 and all three can repair damaged nerve connections. In addition to one of those tablets each day, give a capsule of vitamin E 400iu daily as that can repair injuries to the spinal column and the brain. Give with a little egg each day or a sliver of selenium for absorption.

Often this works to chase away symptoms, but be patient as it can take two to four weeks to see clear improvement.

If the symptoms keep going from bad to worse in spite of this vitamin regimen, then you should expect this to be Marek's or leucosis, and there is no cure.
Are you seeing any discoloration of their toes or feet from the cold weather? I also would suspect this could be possible Mareks, but testing is the only way to get a diagnosis.
No leg or eye discoloration and no wing paralysis. They walk like drunk men sometimes sometimes they are fine. The extreme cold I think it affecting them right now which is why they aren't wanting to move. They just want to stand under their light, we are usually no colder than 40F here and have been at -5 for a couple days.

The thing that makes me lean towards bad breeding line vs merrick is that it's only been them the three roosters from the same hatch that I bought when they were 6 months. None of the rest of my flock has ever gotten sick with anything like this and they are all together constantly. I will definitely try the b vitamins tho to help boost them some! I unfortunately don't think I can get a video, our internet is down and my signal is too spotty to get anything uploaded
I agree with what @azygous ... Nothing loss by following recommendations.

May be possible to "bring them in" for warmth? Either that or add a heat lamp for them. I understand how you may think it's breeding as the other that you lost passed with the same symptoms. IF that's the cause you don't want to use either for breeding.

When you're able to post a video that would be helpful, in the mean time a picture of them (stance, face/head, feet/legs)
When was the last time you dewormed them? Did you also deworm for gape and tape worms?

Roosters usually let the hens eat and drink all they want just contenting themselves with the leftovers, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies that often become noticeable when the wormload gets too intense and/or temperatures to fall too low.

Do they have some bundles of straw or similar to stand on to get away from the frozen grounds?

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