
Aug 22, 2021
It's my first time raising chickens and learning so many things from BYC.
I used to have a chicken couple, a cockerel and a pullet, I hatched both of them. They were such a cute buddies- always hanging around together even during the hottest days in the summer. but as the boy started to crow it really got loud day after a day, so I had to send him away unfortunately, because of the neighbor's complain.

Anyway, the girl (I believe it's a girl) is now acting like a cockerel that I previously had. She started to crow, not as loud as him, but gets louder as she practices, she chases the younger pullets in the morning, (she's the oldest and the alpha girl of the flock) and even does dominant dance in front of me! Well, the cockerel was doing rooster dance at me and started to get aggressive towards me before the neighbor's complain and she is acting exactly like him! She's not acting aggressive at me, but when I try to hand feed her, she is not eating as usual but only touches the food. She used to gobble up when she was with the cockerel, and the cockerel didn't eat much from my hand... she's acting just too much like him.

she hasn't laid eggs yet, and I am planning to get the pellets for her to have more female hormones... but I wonder if she's actually a ROO? She definitely had paler comb and wattle when she was with the cockerel and started to get color after the boy left. From the physical side... she does look like 'she' to me, since she doesn't have long tales and saddle feather. Also, the cockerel tried to mate her and she screamed and ran away from him.

What do you guys think? if she's a SHE and not him, is it possible to stop her crowing? She doesn't crow often, but when she does, it sure does gets loud. I am living in urban area and I do not want any conflict with my good neighbors.

Here are some photos of her.

the one at front is the cockerel that I had and sent away, the one behind is a girl that I am speaking about. she was 5 months old.



these are her recent photos I took yesterday, 6 months old. I'm not so sure what her breed is, but I believe she's a mix of blue australorp because the person who sent me eggs had that breed. she was completely blue-gray ish when she was younger.
Please help!
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It's a cockerel. It was subordinated by the dominant cockerel - that can actually inhibit hormone production. Now that the dominant bird is gone he is maturing.
oh dear no.... :( do young roosters get on the back of other boys?
oh she actually is a he. he’s such a good young boy though. no hassle with pullets and girls like to clean his beak. i really don’t want to send him away. i researched and some says putting rooster in a dog carrier during night helps him crow less in the morning. has anyone tried this? does this trick works?

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