6 month pullet tucking head


Dec 29, 2023
I have a 6 month old that is tucking her head multiple times a day, been 3 days now.
Her crop is good, didn't see any mites/bugs on her, she is eating her feed and snacks great, she's still digging and foraging, she perches, still chatty, not seeing any abnormal droppings....like everything is normal apart from her tucking her head whenever she is at rest, which she doesn't normally do. She has 2 same age chick mates and they both just started laying this month. Could this issue just be she is getting ready to lay too, or could she be experiencing a problem?
I put poultry cell in a waterer and she has been drinking well, ate lots today. It's just so weird that head tucking is her only symptom.
I felt around on her body today and I didn't feel anything like an egg.
Is her comb getting red? Perhaps she is getting ready to lay. She doesn’t need Poultry Cell if she is eating and drinking well. If given more than a few days, it might cause some runny poops. Just keep an eye on her.
She did get super mild frostbite on the very tips with the polar event not long ago. A few tips have a speck of black. But overall her comb does appear brighter everywhere else.

What should I look for while watching her for anything?
I would just keep an eye on her to make sure that she is eating and drinking, and active. Maybe she is in a little pain from the frostbite.
Now seeing some green poop for a few days under her roosting spot, first day is was runny, now it's fully formed. Kinda a grass to olive green shade. She is sleeping standing up in the run during the day...only 2-3 minutes at a time. Neck pulled in when she is resting.
Comb and face is still red, she is digging around, dust bathing, eating and drinking well.

Maybe parasites? Haven't seen any bloody stool or worms.

They aren't free range, large coop and run. Deep litter in run. I scoop out coop everyday. I'm leaning toward sand in the run and scooping it daily as well.
Could you try and have a vet do a fecal float to look for worms and coccidia? Do you have any pictures of how she looks?Is her crop emptying by morning?
When I've checked her crop was good. I'll check her first thing tomorrow. I can likely find a vet ti do a fecal. I have corid and safeguard. I'll get a picture and update everything tomorrow.
It is the white Delaware in pictures. 6 mo old.
Morning droppings were all normal, no green or anything runny. She's eating/drinking well and preening. Her crop feels normal.
But she is still doing the head tuck. I'm wondering if the frostbite bothered her and this is what's going on?
I can hang out in the run a while to see if I can collect one of her poops for testing. Or I could just do aquasol for 5 days in water. I haven't ever wormed them. They are 6 and 8 mo old. I have treated for mites recently with elector psp. (Coop and chickens).


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Close up of comb


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Hmmm. Now I'm rethinking on the crop bc I was feeling the other chickens and theirs are much smaller. The white chicken, Yuzuki (name) has a squishy crop. And I didn't get to check it very first thing as I was up half the night with a kiddo having a stomach bug.
But could be she drank a bunch of water right before I checked it. I need to rule out sour crop. I did sprinkle some probiotics on their morning mash.

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