6 day old emu


Mar 4, 2023
I have a 6 day old emu. It does this weird neck movement, almost like it’s nodding. Is this normal? What is normal young chick behavior? Also, what’s the best way to identify its gender?
It could be adjusting its crop. What's it diet?
non medicated Chick starter (the lady I got it from gave me a bag). I did sprinkle mealworms mixed with sunflower seeds in with the feed today. And then some chick probiotic mixed in it’s water.
I'm not sure but I think they're supposed to eat something else. Does the chock have access to grit?
No it does not. This is my first emu and it’s been hard to find a lot of info on them and so many varieties of food people have been feeding them. I am open to all suggestions and tips.
On pages 99, 100 and 101 is information on chick diet. If your protein is about 20%, you should be OK but they need other supplements too.
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