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In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2015
Highlands County,Florida
Got 5, 10 week olds from a nearby person looking to rehome them, I paid $4 a piece for them, but already having a slightly younger roo, I am worried one of these is a roo... the attitude kind of shows...LOL Can anyone help me try to place the breeds and sex?

Thanks for all the help....
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lol... thanks, have to admit I am worried the Buff is a roo? What do you think? I have a lovable RIR/? roo already, who is just 8 weeks old.... am worried this will cause a squabble in time to come as I had only planned 8 hens to a roo

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These are my guesses

Red Sex-Link pullet
Easter Egger pullet
Mix pullet
Buff Orpington cockerel
Easter Egger pullet

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