5 2 week old bantams wings curling up at end?

Heres photo. Please any idea


  • 20171219_141231.jpg
    298.6 KB · Views: 129
Ok 3 out of 5 have wings look as if someone took a curling iron to end they flip up. Does this indicate a frizzle. I'm very confused since i bought from assorted bantams so i have no idea


  • 20171219_141239.jpg
    300.2 KB · Views: 123
Frizzled what does NN stand for? Lol ok i was scared they might have a deformity i had no clue frizzles were included until they keep getting more flippier at end looking by the day lol
They will look really crazy until all their feathers come in... and still they will look crazy lol
The NN stands for "naked neck".
There are many different kinds of frizzle if you google it you can see them all.
haha i feel so smart..sarcasm. after i posted this thread, i googled Curled up looking wings and it said frizzle. I just didnt think a tractor type store would have a frizzle in their assorted bantams for some reason.

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