42 days laying straight


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2020
Hello everyone. My golden sexlink started laying at 21 weeks old on September 3, she has not yet taken a day break. I’m happy but also feel so bad for her. She seems energetic and happy. How many of you have ad an egg laying machine like my Ms. Ruby?
I have 6 Black Australorps. When I got them in February, they laid like there was no tomorrow. I gathered 5 or 6 eggs everyday. Broodiness and molting started and now it’s 3 or 4 eggs a day. Sometimes only 2! Enjoy the heavy laying spell while it lasts.
How many of you have ad an egg laying machine like my Ms. Ruby?
My longest run on first year layers.. were never sex links.. but Rocks, Reds, and EE.. were 21 days straight. 1 day off. then another 14 straight. It leveled out though as light hours faded..

Congrats on your active layer.. :celebrate

Mine are freeloading right now.

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