4 week old Salmon Faverolle - Hen or Roo?

Buttenshaw Farm

In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 28, 2013
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
So I bought 3 chicks sexed from a hatchery... and I am now feeling uncertain of my Salmon Faverolle girl, who is starting to show some black feathers and is much larger at 4 weeks than my other 4 week old chicks (Barnevelder & Lavender Araucana).

I took some photos of her today. I unfortunately can't have a roo on my property
so I want to take her back ASAP if she is in fact a he!

What do you think?

Mumma and the chicks

Salmon Faverolle - 4 weeks old
I think that you're right-- the coloration, comb size/reddness, and overall appearance make me think that "it" is a cockerel.

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