3rd Time's a Flock


9 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Just a quick intro many years after joining. This is our 3rd go-round at keeping backyard chickens. 1st was taking on (3) 3 yr old sex-link hens. Nice gals, decent producers, but loud. Found out I didn't have the time it took to keep their area clean with makeshift accommodations, rehomed after 6 months. Back then eggs were cheap!

2nd was 7 mixed pullets; 2 brahma, 1 leghorn, 2 sex- linked, and can't remember other 2 - hand raised to 12 weeks inside and then free range and coop at night. We decided to put in a pool during covid and had to rehome the whole flock to a farm.

3rd (current) flock is a mixed flock of age and breed. (5) 19 weeks old raised from chicks: 2 welsummer, 1 golden comet, 2 not sure yet - possibly black australorp/ jersey giant/ black java. (1) 1.5 yr old red star - she is the Queen. Named Sercie from Game Of Thrones... (1) 1 yr old tiny grey silkie bantam who is ever-broody. (3) Easter Egger sisters about 11 months old. (2) Ameraucana hens, one black, one lavender about 12 weeks old. (1) barred rock hen 12 weeks old, (1) golden comet 10 weeks old... and (1) splash Ameraucana roo about 6 months old. 😬

Been bringing roo into house at 5 am to keep from waking neighbors, back out about 8... Not sure I will be able to keep him. He's a gorgeous and mostly gentle guy (for now) and we are hoping for some welsummer and EE fertilized eggs to produce some OE and/or just some beautiful chicks. We shall see. 😌

We are trying to use herbs and electrolytes and probiotics and oils rather than pharmaceuticals. So far so good. I am sure the free ranging helps to reduce prolonged exposure to droppings.

Thanks for reading- I read tons of posts here and am grateful for the groups' collective thoughts and experiences.
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