3rd nest box in run for new hen?


Apr 17, 2020
SW Pennsylvania
I have 4 chickens. Two are approaching 2 years old. The other two were came along last August.

I have 2 nest boxes in the coop.

One of the younger hens will occasionally lay her egg in a random spot on the ground in the run. Since the older two have a propensity to be bossy and unkind, I suspect on days she lays in the run, it is because the older hens won't let her back into the coop at the time - but I don't know that for certain.

Should I setup another nest box in the run? I really don't like the idea of having to get eggs out of the run. And, I REALLY don't want the older 2 to start laying in a nest box in the run. But, I also don't like my new girl laying eggs on the run floor, either.
Putting a box in the run will set a precedent and then you may have a problem of all of them laying in the run even when you eventually remove the box from the run. They need to understand that the coop is the only okay place to lay. Friction between generations is normal, they'll figure it out. All new hens go through this as they come of age, if they live in a mixed flock with older hens. The old ones won't be in the coop all day, they've got better things to do. The young one will just need to wait her turn and go inside when they are out and about. She'll figure it out. Young hens often lay in odd places at first even if nobody is blocking their access to the boxes. They just need time to get used to how it's done.
Putting a box in the run will set a precedent and then you may have a problem of all of them laying in the run even when you eventually remove the box from the run. They need to understand that the coop is the only okay place to lay. Friction between generations is normal, they'll figure it out. All new hens go through this as they come of age, if they live in a mixed flock with older hens. The old ones won't be in the coop all day, they've got better things to do. The young one will just need to wait her turn and go inside when they are out and about. She'll figure it out. Young hens often lay in odd places at first even if nobody is blocking their access to the boxes. They just need time to get used to how it's done.
Last winter, nobody spent much time in the coop. (They have 24-hr access to the secure run.) Ever since that crazy cold snap, the older ones spend a lot of time in the coop - especially when it is colder. I'm hoping that warmer weather coming soon will get everybody outside more.

Perhaps I'm better off waiting it out to see what happens.
When you say younger, and came along in August, were they chicks then and just beginning to lay, like my hatched in late July pullets? Or were they already more than one year old? I have a very mixed flock, older 2+ yr. hens, 11 mo., and 7 mo. pullets, 2 cockerels. I still finding an occasional egg outside in the run. Just enjoy the Easter egg hunt. Count your blessings that you can find them. They will figure it out. I even found an egg in one of my flower beds while cleaning out. I left it there.
When you say younger, and came along in August, were they chicks then and just beginning to lay, like my hatched in late July pullets? Or were they already more than one year old? I have a very mixed flock, older 2+ yr. hens, 11 mo., and 7 mo. pullets, 2 cockerels. I still finding an occasional egg outside in the run. Just enjoy the Easter egg hunt. Count your blessings that you can find them. They will figure it out. I even found an egg in one of my flower beds while cleaning out. I left it there.
They hatched mid-August. I got them at about 8-weeks or so. They were integrated to a single coop mid-November. Just one of the younger two is laying.

We're getting them all in the nest box more frequently than not now. So, I think we're headed in the right direction. I'm still expecting as the weather improves they will spend less time in the coop and it will become even less of an issue.

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