3 week old leghorn


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 19, 2011

Sorry for the blurry leg photo...

This chick is aggressive when picked up, has very few wing feathers, very small tail feathers and a pretty large comb and wattles for a little almost 3 week old. Her/His buddy in the brooder, a RIR, also has these little buds on her legs but her comb is barely visible and no wattles, lots of wing feathers and a little tail going.

I know its early but im worried the leg buds on both chicks mean they are both cockrels, although everything else about my RIR looks girly... Any thoughts?
I have chicks that are about the same age and my guy had twice the size of the comb my guess would be pullet but i could be wrong.
I have some leghorns around the same age its hard to tell right now a few of them have bigger cones like that others are a little smaller. As for the bumps on the legs they all have that its not a indication of anything even if it did develop into spurs some hens also get those. Maybe a little young to tell yet but feel free to take somemore pics of his head sideways.
I am not positive as to gender. Both hens and rooster leghorns have big combs. And the bump on the back of your chicks leg has nothing to do with its gender. Both hens and roosters have them at that age. I would suggest posting new pictures when your chick is a little older. It is too soon for me to take a guess.
Good luck!
Might be a pullet. Leghorns have large combs. When my anconas(like leghorns) where little, I could tell with one was a roo at a week old, his comb was big and bright red. Its always easier if you have a roo to compare them to, even thought I wasn't supposed to have one.
Looks like a pullet to me. My leghorns just turned 9 weeks old and at 3 weeks I was guessing I had 2 cockerals and 5 pullets because the boys combs were dark pink to red and the girls were yellow to peachy. Now that they are older it's obvious I was right (plus I got some help from my BYC friends
I'm guessing little pullet right now, and some leghorns are just that way, individual girls can be very sweet, but as a whole the breed I think is noted for not being cuddly , more aloof and skiddish. I had two at one time and one was always kinda skiddish and the other a cuddle butt, but now there is just one left (the cuddle butt) but now that she is grown she preferrs not to be touched at all, she'll talk to ya and follow you around but she won't let you hold her anymore.

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