3-week old baby chicks abandoned by Mama. Should I bring them inside for the night?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
I went on vacation ten days ago and these two young chicks were still with their mama then. I just got back today and was shocked to see their mama had already abandoned them. I felt bad for those poor babies trying to snuggle with her but she just pecked them away. They're getting ready to roost and I noticed they're roosting alone. One of the chicks is trying to snuggle under the other one. Not sure if they're cold and I have no idea when this happened.

I read that 3 week old chicks need to be at 75-85 degrees at all times? The coldest it'll get tonight is 55. Should I bring them inside at night until they get old enough?

During the day time they sound really stressed out that they're alone, like they're lost most of the time. I think it might be too late at this point to try and raise them because they're scared of me but should I intervene in some way?
If mama is being mean I wouldn't leave them with her. Shes not going 2 change her mind. I give my babies out of the Incubator a teddy bear they snuggle it and roost on it. Yes chick's act terrified even when they see us three times a day. We are HUGE.LOL. it's really up to you on bringing them in house? I would if I didn't have a lamp or a way to separate them from mean mama.
I can only tell you what I would do with the same situation. I’d be most concerned with keeping them warm enough. I‘d bring them inside during the chilly night since they were abandoned by mama.… and her warmth and protection.
Were the chicks raised with the rest of the flock? If so, no I would not bring them in, I wouldn't do anything that would interfere with their integration with the others. They should be fine at 3 weeks with those temperatures, as long as they have a draft free place to bed down at night (coop floor is fine), as they've acclimated to being outdoors from living out there.
If mama is being mean I wouldn't leave them with her. Shes not going 2 change her mind. I give my babies out of the Incubator a teddy bear they snuggle it and roost on it. Yes chick's act terrified even when they see us three times a day. We are HUGE.LOL. it's really up to you on bringing them in house? I would if I didn't have a lamp or a way to separate them from mean mama.
That sounds so cute! Can we see a picture?
Were the chicks raised with the rest of the flock? If so, no I would not bring them in, I wouldn't do anything that would interfere with their integration with the others. They should be fine at 3 weeks with those temperatures, as long as they have a draft free place to bed down at night (coop floor is fine), as they've acclimated to being outdoors from living out there.
Yes, they're already around the other flock members. I tried bringing them in a pet carrier but they seemed lost and confused. I put them back in the coop still in the carrier with some bedding and they were still chirping a bit. I put their mama in there but they seem afraid of her now, more afraid of her than me lol. I didn't know how else to keep them warm so I put a hot hands in a cut-out jeans pocket and touched them with it to let them know it's warm and I put it near them. They seem to have calmed down a bit.
Yes, they're already around the other flock members. I tried bringing them in a pet carrier but they seemed lost and confused. I put them back in the coop still in the carrier with some bedding and they were still chirping a bit. I put their mama in there but they seem afraid of her now, more afraid of her than me lol. I didn't know how else to keep them warm so I put a hot hands in a cut-out jeans pocket and touched them with it to let them know it's warm and I put it near them. They seem to have calmed down a bit.
That should be fine, that gives them the option to use the heat or not.

Do not confine mama with them or force her to be with them. She's done. She'll likely attack them if they stay too close to her, or cannot get away from her.


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