3 hens just suddenly stopped laying


7 Years
Looking for answers. I have 4 hens and after this winter 3 have suddenly stopped laying at the same time. The one remaining laying hen is laying 6 a week so no problem there.I have no idea how old they are as they were rescue hens. Is it just coincidence and bad luck or does anyone think it maybe something else. Any help would be much appreciated
Hens usually stop laying if they are stressed, molting, infested by internal or external parasites, sick, broody or fed incorrectly, in a nutshell. What are you feeding them? Have you treated them for mites and dewormed them at some point? Made any changes to their feed, housing, routine? Had a predator visiting maybe? The seasons and daylight length also has an effect, but that usually occurs in winter, when the days get shorter. Did you add a light over the winter months to keep them in production? They might simply have reached the end of their productive years, I don't know, it's a pity you don't know how old they are. Did they gradually lay less or stop laying overnight? The 4th hen, is she the same age and from the same place as these 3? You said they are rescued hens. Were they from a battery farm? Ex-batts often develop reproductive issues in their later years, due to their heavy egg production in the batteries.

Sorry about all the questions, but a bit more background can hopefully help us figure this out.
I never changed the feed from when I got them last spring. They get a full clean out every week so shouldn't be mites and they have been wormed regular. They all stopped laying during the winter with the odd egg every other day but before the winter I was getting 5/6 eggs off each hen a week. as for a predator I doubt it and am 99% sure there hasn't been one. They are all from the same rescue centre and I got them all at the same time so for only one to start laying again after winter is just strange. I could understand 1 or even all 4 to stop but not 3 when one is laying an egg a day
Hi, what exactly is it that they are being fed on? are the non layers looking healthy with bright red combs, acting and eating well? do you supplement feed with oystershell grit? what do you use to worm them and how often? just because you clean them out each week doesn't mean they can't get mites, they will live in the tiny cracks and crevices of the chicken house and come out to feed on your chooks at night, if you have them, shining a torch on perches and the birds at night will reveal tiny black specks crawling everywhere.There are many things that can stop a bird laying, as other people have said, please give us more insight on their daily diet to begin with and then we can take it from there
I always wonder in this situation how you know who is laying or not. I am assuming their combs are not bright red etc. Except for that, I would have no idea which hens might be laying or not with my chickens. If I get 8 out of 12, I don't know which chickens have not laid for the day.
There combs are all dark red yes. I I get there food from a local supplier and haven't changed there diet since I got them they are on layers pellets. As for mites the coop has been sprayed thoroughly in all corners of the coop then mite dust put in. They have plenty grit to get at and I worm them as often as the worming pellets packaging tells me. They also have cider vinegar on there water. I know which one is laying as for about a week I watched for when one went in the nest box and checked when she came out And it was the same bird all week. Thanks for your help btw
Hi it may just be they are either taking a break or they are getting to the age where their egg production slows down as they are rescues this is the most likely case, the one still laying may be a bit younger than the others but they sound healthy and it does sound like you are doing everything right so if it is eggs you want perhaps you may want to buy young birds in their first year of lay.

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