3 established BO hens + one 4 mnth boy named Sue + an awkward sikie = no fun


8 Years
Jun 30, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Long story short:

My 3 girls were fine and happy. I hatched two eggs and kept the two chicks in a brooder. One day, my dog killed one of them. So, I had one very lonely chick and I ran out and got a Silkie best friend for him.

Fast forward:

My silkie was abused (I think) and is still not 100%. It's sole purpose is to keep my chick company. HOWEVER, my chick started crowing (thus the boy named Sue) and I can't keep roosters within city limits. My roo has to be re-homed and probably will be within the next few weeks.

My problem:
The Silkie is probably three months old. My established flock of 3 is almost a year old. How do I get them to become friends? They free range in the same yard. My BOs don't attack her, but will if I put her in the coop/run. Is it possible? Or do I need to re-home the Silkie too? (I dont' know if the Silkie is a boy or girl yet)
It would help putting the silkie in the pen at night and letting her sleep with the other chooks, and then taking her out in the morning?!?
This would get the other chickens to get to know her. take it all very slowly though. after about a fortnight let her into the pen for a short while under your very close eye. as time goes by leave her in there for longer periods, and soon enough she will be ready to stay in there permanently.

hope this helps
I've been putting them in a pet carrier and sitting them in the run of the coop at night. I'm nervous about putting them in the coop at night, but I'll try it tonight.
Definitley put them in a wire cage or crate in the coop at night. They need to be visible. I would also fence off part of the run so they can hang out there during the day. The older birds need to see them, a lot, to get used to the idea of the new birds being in their coop/run. You may really have a problem trying to integrate just one new Silkie to your older flock. Not only is it a new bird, it's a very different looking bird then what they are used to.

Something else you can try if things don't improve is pulling the older birds out for a couple days and put the new birds in the coop/run and then putting the older birds back in one at a time over the course of a few days. That way they can't all gang up on the new birds.

Good luck, hope it works out easily. Chickens can be really horrible at this!

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