3 Bantam Blue Wheaten Ameracuna cockerels


7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Southern New Hampshire
I have 3 Bantam Blue Wheaten Ameracuna cockerels hatched 0n 3-25-2012. I will meet you half way. I am in Southern, New Hampshire. These are not hatchery birds. They come from a farm that I have gotten chicks and eggs from that is in New Hampshire. They are healthy and hatched from eggs that were put under my broody hen. I already have 2 roos and don't need 3 more. All three are similar in color (grey with rust and gold markings). All have muffs, beards, and pea combs and blue legs and are friendly. They were all hatched from robins egg blue eggs.
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Hi, I am new to the chicken world and was trying to find someone that had a blue wheaton rooster. We have a beautiful bw hen who has a personality that just wont quit. I live in Florida so there is really no way for me to get any chickens from you but I would love to see a pic of a bw rooster if you dont mind. Thanks, Pamela
If you would reconsider shipping, I am in SE Ohio and would purchase one of your roos. Could you otherwise put me in contact with the NH farm who raises the BW banties? Thanks!
thanks so much for the picture, he is beautiful. i have 5 babies that are just about 4-5weeks old and the mama is a banty blue wheaten and the daddy a bb red. 2 of the babies looks a lot like the picture so maybe i will have at least i roo that has a lot of bw in him

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