3 1/2 yr old brahma laid a rotten shell less egg


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Oct 20, 2020
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 3 1/2 yr old brahma that hasn't laid in 6 days (I have an app to keep track) I thought this was odd because she usually lays at least 3 days a week even in the heat. Today I was sanitizing all the waterers and cleaning out the grow out coop (no one had laid any eggs 2:45pm) I saw her go in the coop and get in a nest box, about 30 min passed and I peeked in and she was standing there with a yolk under her just having contractions, I went inside for a calcium citrate +D and went back in the coop to give it to her and instantly smelled the rotten smell. I took her out of the nest box gave her the pill and cleaned her bum (also pulled a small peice of soft shell out) what type of antibiotic should I start? I have cephalexin, amoxicillin, and auquazole? All help is appreciated! I know it's not looking good😔
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I would go ahead and give the calcium for several days to try and help her shells become harder. Amoxicillin is fine to use. Give around 57 mg per pound twice a day for 10 days. Try to get a weight on her. I wouldn’t eat her eggs for about 3 weeks.
She's a big girl, 8lbs about a month ago, I'll start the antibiotics tonight. Thank you! The rotten egg just really threw me, it was foul!
Could it have been a lash egg?
No it was literally a dark colored yolk with brown rotten smelling whites, there was no other material besides the peice of soft shell I pulled from her vent when I cleaned her up. I just went to feed everyone their wet mash and she is not interested in food which is completely the opposite of how she normally is, she's head hen and always eats her fill with the few hens she chooses to eat with her
Well she's up and moving about, I'll be doing stuff outside so I'll keep an eye on her. Have her the amoxicillin at roost time last night, I'll be giving her another dose shortly
She laid around most of the day, my WTB stayed by her side all day. At wet mash time she took 2 bites then walked away, other than those 2 bites I did not see her eat at all yesterday. Meds given at roost time again. Hoping she'll perk up soon
Today after work I let everyone out into the yard, Maribel was a bit more active, dinner time came (wet mash) and she ate for about 15 seconds (improvement) calcium citrate and antibiotics given again at roost time. Since I'm off tomorrow I'm going to give her another bum bath and try and give her a separate meal, I noticed when I have her meds her crop is still extremely small.

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