22 week old chicken - cannot walk/ use one leg at all.


In the Brooder
May 25, 2021
Hi all! I’ve got an EE that has been going through bouts of leg issues. It all began beginning of April.. she began having a serious imbalance and favoring her right leg. She had grip in her toes sometimes, but not always. She was still eating and drinking and trying to free range with the others. I separated her about two weeks into it, she wasn’t getting proper food/water and was losing weight. She was quarantined and she ate/drank/groomed/etc.. just as normal, but without having much luck standing or balancing very well. After another week we went to an avian vet - X-ray showed nothing, blood work showed nothing, was put on an antibiotic and anti inflammatory by said vet. Within 10 days of taking meds was back to her normal self! Got her back out with the other chickies was doing very well until two days ago. She is favoring the same leg and as of yesterday is not walking AT ALL. We just want to know what to do for her. She is 100% herself except for not walking. Has anyone had any issue like this!? I just want my girl to be okay.


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Hmm, it looks broken but since they x-ray shows nothing, I'm stumped. I don't want to cry merecks at every limping chicken. How old is she? Could it be arthritis?
That’s what we thought and then the X-ray totally confused us. She is 22 weeks old, hasn’t even started laying. We’ve talked Mareks as well, that’s kind of all we’ve got at this point... I just don’t understand how she got better but then took a turn again, but seemingly worse.
That’s what we thought and then the X-ray totally confused us. She is 22 weeks old, hasn’t even started laying. We’ve talked Mareks as well, that’s kind of all we’ve got at this point... I just don’t understand how she got better but then took a turn again, but seemingly worse.
Hmm. Do you think it's the anti inflammatory drugs that are helping?
Hmm. Do you think it's the anti inflammatory drugs that are helping?
Totally forgot to update, they did not work and my little babe was put down yesterday. She'd stopped eating, moving, and poor girl weighted less than 3LBs. It was for sure time. Thank you for your help!!

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