2021 Gosling Hatch-a-Long



Hatchi Wan Kenobi
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Mar 27, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
We usually have one of these every year, but it doesn't look like one got made yet this year. So, who's hatching?

I've got tons of Tufted Roman eggs going from my own flock. Also some Lavender and Blue American eggs, AND for the first time I just found another breeder of Tufted Romans, so I'm getting eggs next week. As a bonus, he's been playing with crossing out to French Tufted Toulouse, so he's been working on creating new colors. So the eggs might end up hatching some fun new colors.

What does everyone else have hatching?
First baby I hatched this year.

And my two Blue Americans I picked up...
Congrats on the new babies and best of luck to those incubating! While I am not hatching anything this year, I am letting my girls sit/hatch since I have local requests for babies.

One of my toulouse girls hatched a 4-pack of babies last week, who are absolutely adorable to watch cruising around the pasture. Sadly for the parents, they are going to their new home this afternoon. But I believe my next broody is set to hatch in a few days, so the fun will begin all over again.

@ColtHandorf Congrats on the new baby! Is that from one of the wonky eggs you posted pics in the other thread? I've been curious for an update.
Just two Pilgrim eggs in right now that go into lockdown this evening. It was four, but the two that didn't develop got pitched earlier.

The first week of May I'm hoping to start a TBD number of Americans with Blue and Lavender genes.

I've got I dark grey Saddleback Pomeranian and wouldn't mind hatching more in June if I can find eggs.

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