2019 Emu Hatch-A-Long

So I cracked a little open and it seemed the membrane was still full of liquid so I opened it up and sure enough there was a tiny bit of pink in there, perhaps the size of a jelly bean, nothing else.

Nothing in the only one that remained either. Time to turn off the incubator :(

I’m sorry. We had a lot of small embryos in ours. Very frustrating.
So I cracked a little open and it seemed the membrane was still full of liquid so I opened it up and sure enough there was a tiny bit of pink in there, perhaps the size of a jelly bean, nothing else.

Nothing in the only one that remained either. Time to turn off the incubator :(

Bummer! As you might know i incubated 19 infertile eggs this year, so i feel your pain. now we have to wait 10 months to try again.
not sure if this will work for you, but i got 14 dozen quail eggs , put them in my emu egg incubator and in just 18 short days...chicks ...98 little quail chicks. sure it's not as cool as hatching an emu, but you'll have something to keep you busy till the 2020 "emu hatch along"
Well, the babies and Ciara put themselves together. Probably Ciara did it; the fence wasn't very sturdy and she probably just stepped it right down.

But, they are all getting along :) Ciara is not trying to hurt them and they are not afraid of her.

Some cell phone pictures from today:

lyra headshot.jpg lyra.jpg

Draco headshot.jpg chick.jpg

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