2 week old silkie/ australorp, what sex?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Victoria BC, Canada
Hi, I have silkie white hens and an australorp rooster. Is there a way to tell the sex? All three chicks have 5 toes, one is really small , mostly white. And another has mostly black with white on the chest only and another is light grey with black? All also have tail feathers growing in and wing feathers, they were born feb.8 and 9, about 2 weeks old. Thanks for any thoughts. :D
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I have some breeds like that, except the rooster is white silkie and mom is australorp. heres the pics. That fluffy white is the dad.
You didnt mention how old they are. they are difficult to sex them sometimes . but you will noticed changes when they are about 4 months old.

Hi again! My fault I didnt see the title that they are two weeks old !! some people can sex them with the shape of their wings. If I can remember, even is pullets. odd and longer are roo. But hope someone chime in and correct me !
Yes you will have to wait
I have silkies and around three or four months you will have some clues you can go by, wait until then. I did read if you look at the comb and its smooth its posiably a female,if its got a bump male
Not sure how true that is! But with my silkie cockerels by three months i was able to pretty much tell so its best to wait tell then
My silkie rooster fooled me for a while. when he was very young I was calling him little girl. He had so much feathers over his face and walks around dainty. Until mating time I found out its a boy !

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